2021 | (Hg.) The EU and Global Climate Justice: Normative Power Caught in Normative Battles, London: Routledge (mit Franziskus von Lucke, Bettina Ahrens und Solveig Aamodt). ISBN 9780367511609. |
2021 | (Hg.) The Routledge Handbook of Critical European Studies, Abingdon: Routledge (mit Didier Bigo, Evangelos Fanoulis, Ben Rosamond und Yannis A. Stivachtis). ISBN 9781138589919. |
2017 | (Hg.) The EU, Promoting Regional Integration, and Conflict Resolution, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan (mit Nathalie Tocci). ISBN 978-3-319-47529-5 (hbk). |
2016 | The Securitisation of Climate Change: Actors, Processes, Consequences, London: Routledge (PRIO/New Security Series) (mit Franziskus von Lucke und Zehra Wellmann). ISBN 978-1-13-895635-3 (pbk). |
2014 | (Hg.) A Different Kind of Power? The EU’s Role in International Politics, New York: Idebate Press. ISBN 978-1-61770-090-3 (pbk). |
2011 | (Hg.) Key Concepts in International Relations, London: Sage (mit Ingvild Bode und Aleksandra Fernandes Da Costa). ISBN:9781412928489 |
2010 | (Hg.) European Integration Theory, Tokyo: Keiso Shobo (mit Antje Wiener) [japanische Übersetzung]. |
2010 | An Introduction to International Relations Theory: Perspectives and Themes, Dritte Ausgabe, Harlow: Pearson (mit Jill Steans, Lloyd Pettiford und Imad El-Anis). ISBN13: 9781408204887 |
2009a | (Hg.) Cyprus – a Conflict at the Crossroads, Manchester: University Press (mit Nathalie Tocci). ISBN 978-0719079009. |
2009b | (Hg.) European Integration Theory, Second edition, Oxford University Press (mit Antje Wiener). ISBN 978-01999226092. |
2008 | (Hg.) The European Union and Border Conflicts, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (mit Mathias Albert und Stephan Stetter). ISBN 978-0521882965 hbk, 978-0521709491 pbk. |
2005 | International Relations: Perspectives and Themes, Harlow: Pearsons (Jill Steans und Lloyd Pettiford mit Thomas Diez). ISBN 978-0582894037. |
2004 | (Hg.) European Integration Theory, Oxford Universtity Press (mit Antje Wiener). ISBN 0-1992-5248-3. |
2002 | (Hg.) The EU and the Cyprus Conflict: Modern Conflict, Postmodern Union, Manchester: Manchester University Press. ISBN 0-7190-6079-6. |
1999 | Die EU lesen: Diskursive Knotenpunkte in der britischen Europadebatte, Opladen: Leske + Budrich. ISBN 3-8100-2462-7. |
1995 | Neues Europa, altes Modell. Die Konstruktion von Staatlichkeit im politischen Diskurs zur Zukunft der europäischen Gemeinschaft, Frankfurt a.M.: Haag und Herchen. ISBN 3-86137-399-8. |
Index | Bücher | Zeitschriftenartikel | Buchkapitel| Working Papers | Book Reviews | Andere Publikationen
2024a | “Raus aus den Silos!” Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen 31(2): 16–45. (mit Andreas Hasenclever) |
2024b | Not anxious enough: The discursive articulation of ontological security in the European Parliament. Review of International Studies, 1–19 (mit Franziskus von Lucke) |
2024c | Talking Past while Needing One Another: The Complex and Ambiguous Relationship between the EU and Türkiye. Siyasal: Journal of Political Sciences, 33(2), 187-204. (mit Damla Cihangir Tetik) |
2023a | Zwischen Furcht und ontologischer (Un-)Sicherheit: eine Analyse europäischer Zusammenhaltsnarrative in Zeiten der Polykrise. integration, 46(4), 300-317. (mit Franziskus von Lucke) |
2023b | The EU, Korea, and conflict transformation through regional integration. Asia Europe Journal (mit Moosung Lee). |
2023c | 'Global justice and EU climate policy in a contested liberal international order', International Affairs, 99 (6), pp. 2221–2239 (mit Franziskus von Lucke) |
2023d | 'Spatial Imaginations of ‘Turkey’ and ‘Europe’: An Introduction', Uluslararasi Iliskiler, Vol. 20, No 77, pp. 5-16. |
2023e | ‘Progressive and Regressive Securitisation: Covid, Russian Aggression and the Ethics of Security’, Central European Journal of International and Security Studies, 17 (2), 22-43. DOI 10.51870/PXRR4789. |
2023f | ‘Introduction: Political Logics and Academic Rationalities of Securitisation and International Crises’, Central European Journal of International and Security Studies 17 (2), 4-20. DOI 10.51870/PEOW5184 (mit Andrey Makarychev). |
2023g | ‘La fin de la société internationale ? La guerre de Russie et le défi à l’ordre international’, Revue Défense Nationale 861, 71-84 |
2022 | 'Russia's War and the Future of European Order', in: Transatlantic Policy Quarterly 21 (1), 11-20. |
2021 | ‘The EU in a Changing World Order: In Defence of Normative Power 2.0’, in: Marmara Journal of European Studies 29 (1), 1-20. |
2019 | 'Transforming Identity in International Society: The Potential and Failure of European Integration', in: Comparative European Politics 17, 512-29. DOI 10.1057/s41295-019-00170-9. |
2018 | 'Responding to Crises: Europe and Southeast Asia', in: Asia Europe Journal 16 (2), 115-24. DOI 10.1007/s10308-018-0505-x. |
2017 | 'Diplomacy, Papacy, and the Transformation of International Society', in: The Review of Faith & International Affairs 15 (4), 31-8. DOI: 10.1080/15570274.2017.1392142. |
2016a | 'Postmodern EU? Integration between Alternative Horizons and Territorial Angst', in: Journal of Common Market Studies 54 (1), 136-51 (mit Stefan Borg). DOI 10.1111/jcms.12327. |
2016b | 'Introduction: The EU, East Asian Conflicts and the Norm of Integration', in: Asia-Europe Journal 14 (4), 353-66 (mit Moosung Lee). DOI 10.1007/s10308-016-0459-9. |
2016c | 'Klimakämpfe: Eine komparative Studie zur Versicherheitlichung von Klimawandel', in: Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen 23 (2), 112-43 (mit Franziskus von Lucke und Zehra Wellmann). DOI 10.5771/0946-7165-2016-2-112. |
2015 | 'Solidarisation and its Limits: the EU and the Transformation of International Society', in: Global Discourse: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Current Affairs and Applied Contemporary Thought, 5 (3), 341-55 (mit Bettina Ahrens). DOI: 10.1080/23269995.2015.1053189. |
2014a | 'Framing und Versicherheitlichung: Die diskursive Konstruktion des Klimawandels', in: Zeitschrift für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung 3 (2), 203-32 (mit Julia Grauvogel). ISSN: 2192-1741. |
2014b | 'What’s at Stake in Securitising Climate Change? Towards a Differentiated Approach', in: Geopolitics 19 (4), 857-84 (mit Franziskus von Lucke und Zehra Wellmann). DOI 10.1080/14650045.2014.913028. |
2014c | 'The Devil is in the 'Domestic'? European Integration Studies and the Limits of Europeanization in Turkey', in: Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies 16 (1), 1-10 (mit Basak Alpan). DOI 10.1080/19448953.2013.864180. |
2014d | 'Setting the Limits: Discourse and EU Foreign Policy', in: Cooperation and Conflict 49 (3), 319-333. ISSN 0010-8367. DOI 10.1177/0010836713494997. |
2013 | 'Normative Power as Hegemony', in: Cooperation and Conflict 48 (2), 194-210. DOI 10.1177/0010836713485387. |
2012 | 'Not Quite “Sui Generis” Enough: Interrogating European Values', in: European Societies 14 (4), 522-39. DOI 10.1080/14616696.2012.724577. |
2011 | 'The Changing Nature of International Institutions in Europe: The Challenge of the European Union', in: Journal of European Integration 33 (2), 117–38 (mit Ian Manners und Richard G. Whitman). ISSN: 1477-2280 (electronic) 0703-6337 (paper). |
2010a | ‘Conflicts and the Politics of Human Rights Invocations’, in: Berghof Handbook Dialogue Series 9, 47-54 (mit Emily Pia). ISSN 1616-2544. |
2010b | 'The Cyprus Conflict and the Ambiguous Effects of Europeanization', in: The Cyprus Review. A Journal of Social, Economic and Political Issues 22 (2), 175–86 (mit Nathalie Tocci). |
2008a | 'Reconfiguring Spaces of Confllict: Northern Irland and the Impact of European Integration', in: Space & Polity 12 (1), 47-62 (mit Katy Hayward). ISSN 1356-2576. DOI 10.1080/13562570801969432. Reprinted in Chris Rumford (Hg.), Citizens and Borderwork in Contemporary Europe (London: Routledge), ISBN: 978-0415-47225-8. |
2008b | 'Christianity, Christendom, Europe: On the Role of Religion in European Integration', in: Arès No. 59/23 (1), 29-41 (mit Mariano Barbato). ISSN 0181-009X, ISBN 978-2-86561-324-0. |
2008c | 'Michel Foucault and the Problematization of European Governance', in: International Political Sociology 4(4), 266-8. ISSN 1743-8586. DOI 10.1111/j.1749-5687.2008.00049_2.x. |
2008d | 'Traditions of Citizenship and the Securitisation of Migration in Germany and Britain', in: Citizenship Studies 12 (6), 565-81 (mit Vicki Squire). ISSN 1362-1025. DOI 10.1080/13621020802450643. |
2007 | 'Expanding Europe: The Ethics of EU-Turkey Relations', in: Ethics & International Affairs 21 (4), 415-22. ISSN 0892-6794. |
2006a | 'The European Union and Border Conflicts: The Transformative Power of Integration', in: International Organization 60 (3), 563-93 (mit Mathias Albert und Stephan Stetter). DOI 10.1017/S0020818306060218. |
2006b | 'The Paradoxes of Europe's Borders', in: Comparative European Politics 4 (2), 235-52. DOI 10.1057/palgrave.cep.6110083. |
2005a | 'A Useful Dialogue? Habermas and International Relations', in: Review of International Studies 31 (1), 127-140 (mit Jill Steans). ISSN 0260-2105. |
2005b | 'Turkey, Europeanisation and Civil Society: Introduction', in: South European Society and Politics 10 (1), 1-15 (mit Apostolos Agnantopoulos und Alper Kaliber). ISSN 1360-8746. |
2005c | 'Turkey, the European Union and Security Complexes Revisited', in: Mediterranean Politics 10 (2), 167-80. ISSN 1362-9395 |
2005d | 'Constructing the Self and Changing Others: Reconsidering 'Normative Power Europe', in: Millennium: Journal of International Studies 33 (3), 613-36. ISSN 0305-8298. |
2004 | 'Europe's Others and the Return of Geopolitics', in: Cambridge Review of International Affairs 17 (2), 319-35. ISSN 0955-7571. |
2002a | 'Analysing European integration, reflecting on the English School: scenarios for an encounter', in: Journal of Common Market Studies 40 (1), 43-67 (mit Richard G. Whitman). ISSN 0021-9886. |
2002b | 'Why the EU can nonetheless be good for Cyprus', in: Journal on Ethnopolitics and Minority Issues in Europe 2 (2), 1-18. ISSN 1617-5247. |
2001 | 'Europe as a Discursive Battleground: European Integration Studies and Discourse Analysis', in: Cooperation and Conflict 36 (1), 5-38. ISSN 0010-8367. |
1999a | 'Turkey and the European Union: Where to from here?', in: Survival 41 (1), 41-57 (mit Barry Buzan). ISSN 0039-6338. |
1999b | 'Constructing Threat, Constructing Political Order: On the Legitimation of State and Economic Community in Western Europe', in: Journal of International Relations and Development 2 (1), 29-49. ISSN 1408-6980. |
1999c | 'Speaking 'Europe': the Politics of Integration Discourse', in: Journal of European Public Policy 6 (4), 598-613. ISSN 1350-1763. Reprinted in Thomas Christiansen, Knud Erik Jørgensen and Antje Wiener (Hg.) (2001), The Social Construction of Europe, London et al.: Sage, 85-100. ISBN-7619-7265-X. Reprinted in Mette Eilstrup-Sangiovanni (Hg.) (2006), Debates on European Integration: A Reader, London: Palgrave, 420-36. ISBN1-4039-4104-1. Reprinted in Spanish as „El Habla “Europea”: La Políticas del Discurso de Integracion‟, Revista Tercer Milenio 11 (11/2007), 33-40. ISSN 0717-229X. |
1999d | 'Riding the AM-track through Europe, or: The pitfalls of a rationalist journey through European integration', in: Millennium: Journal of International Studies 28 (2), 355-69. ISSN 0305-8298. |
1998a | 'Perspektivenwechsel: Warum ein 'postmoderner' Ansatz für die Integrationsforschung doch relevant ist', in: Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen 5 (1), 139-48. ISSN 0946-7165. |
1998b | 'Which Europe? Conflicting Models of a Legitimate European Order', in: European Journal of International Relations 4 (4), 409-45 (mit Markus Jachtenfuchs und Sabine Jung). ISSN 1354-0661. |
1997 | 'International Ethics and European Integration: Federal State or Network Horizon?', in: Alternatives: Global, Local, Political 22 (3), 287-312. ISSN 0304-3754. |
1996 | 'Postmoderne und europäische Integration: Die Dominanz des Staatsmodells, die Verantwortung gegenüber dem Anderen und die Konstruktion eines alternativen Horizonts', in: Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen 3 (2), pp. 255-281. ISSN 0946-7165. |
Index | Bücher | Zeitschriftenartikel | Buchkapitel | Working Papers | Book Reviews | Andere Publikationen
2024 | ‘Zypern’, in: Weidenfeld, Werner und Wolfgang Wessels (Hg.) Jahrbuch der Europäischen Integration (Baden-Baden: Nomos-Verlag), 593-596, ISSN: 0721-5436 |
2022a | 'Power Transition as a Challenge to Normative Power Europe', in: Knudsen, Tonny B. and Cornelia Navari (Hg.) Power Transition in the Anarchical Society: Rising Powers, Institutional Change and the new World Order (Cham: Palgrave Macmillan), 153-176. ISBN 9783030977108 (pbk), 9783030977115 (ebk). |
2022b | 'Recognition, Reproduction, Transformation: The Use and Abuse of International Justice in the Cyprus Conflict', in: Nikola Tomić und Ben Tonra (Hg.) Conflict Resolution and Global Justice. The European Union in the Global Context (London: Routledge), 19-34. ISBN 9780367460747 (hbk). |
2021a | ‘The End or the Beginning of Normative Power Europe? Transcendence and the Crisis of European Foreign Policy’, in: Victoria de Grazia und Burcu Baykurt (Hg.) The Rise and Fall of Soft Power Internationalism: 1990-2015 (New York, NY: Columbia University Press), 251-73. ISBN 9780231195454 (pbk), 9780231195447 (hbk), 9780231551335 (ebk). |
2021b | ‘Introduction: Towards a Critical Theorising of European Integration’, in: Didier Bigo et al. (Hg.), The Routledge Handbook of Critical European Studies (London: Routledge), 15-20. ISBN 978-11-3858991-9 (hbk), 978-0-429-49130-6 (ebk). |
2021c | ‘The EU, Southeast Asia, and an Interregional Approach to Regional Security in the Asia-Pacific’, in: Thomas Christiansen, Emil Kirchner und See Seng Tan (Hg.) The European Union’s Security Relations with Asian Partners (Basingstoke: Palgrave), 73-94 (mit See Seng Tan). ISBN 978-3-030-69965-9 (hbk), 978-3-030-69966-6 (ebk). DOI 10.1007/978-3-030-69966-6_4. |
2021d | 'The Cyprus Conflict: New Tensions in the Eastern Mediterranean’, in: IEMed (Hg.), Mediterranean Yearbook 2021 (Barcelona: IEMed), 170-173. |
2020 | ‘Zypern’, in: Werner Weidenfeld und Wolfgang Wessels (Hg.) Jahrbuch der Europäischen Integration 2020 (Baden-Baden: Nomos), 607-8. ISBN 978-3-8487-6721-2 (pbk). DOI 10.5771/9783748908432. |
2019 | 'Regional Security', in: Emil J. Kirchner und Han Dorussen (Hg.) EU-Japan Security Cooperation: Trends and Prospects (London: Routledge), 20-36 (mit Jun Tsubouchi). ISBN 978-1-138-31580-8 (hbk), 978-0-429-45611-4 (ebk). |
2016a | ‘European politics’, in: Mark Bevir und R. A. W. Rhodes (Hg.) Routledge Handbook of Interpretive Political Science (London & New York: Routledge), 268-81. ISBN 978-0-415-65714-3 (hbk). |
2016b | ‘Integration’, in: Felix Berenskoetter (Hg.) Concepts in World Politics (Los Angeles; London; New Delhi; Signapore; Washington D.C.; Melbourne: SAGE), 288-303. ISBN 978-1-4462-9428-4 (pbk). |
2016c | ‘Linking Gender Perspectives to Integration Theory: The Need for Dialogue’, in: Gabriele Abels und Heather MacRae (Hg.) Gendering European Integration Theory (Opladen; Berlin; Toronto: Barbara Budrich Publishers), 279-92 (mit Hans-Jürgen Bieling). ISBN 978-3-8474-0640-2. |
2016d | ‘Regional Solutions for Regional Conflicts? The EU, China and their Respective Neighborhoods’, in: Emil J. Kirchner, Thomas Christiansen und Han Dorussen (Hg.) Security Relations between China and the European Union (Cambridge; New York; Melbourne; Delhi; Singapore: Cambridge University Press), 42-62. ISBN 978-1-107-14903-8 (hbk). |
2014a | ‘Bedeutungen und Grenzen: Anmerkungen zur Diskursforschung in den deutschsprachigen Internationalen Beziehungen’, in: Eva Herschinger und Judith Renner (Hg.) Diskursforschung in den Internationalen Beziehungen (Baden-Baden: Nomos), 381-98. ISBN 978-3-8487-0328-9 (pbk). |
2014b | ‘Postmodern Approaches’, in: Siegfried Schieder und Manuela Spindler (Hg.) Theories of International Relations (London: Routledge), 287-302. ISBN 978-0415741149 (pbk), 978-0415818544 (hbk), 978–1–315–79736–6 (ebk). |
2014c | ‘Speaking Europe, Drawing Boundaries: Reflections on the Role of Discourse in EU Foreign Policy and Identity’ in: Caterina Carta und Jean-Frédéric Morin (Hg.) EU Foreign Policy through the Lens of Discourse Analysis: Making Sense of Diversity (London: Routledge), 27-42. ISBN 978-1-40946-4757 (hbk), 978-1-40946-3764 (pbk), 978-1-40946-4771 (ebk). |
2014d | ‘Europeanisations, Pluralisation: Another Reconsideration of EU-Turkey Relations’, in: Siret Hürsoyn (Hg.) Turkey’s Quest for the EU Membership Towards 2023 (Izmir: Ege University Printing House), 27-46 (mit Hanna Mühlenhoff). ISBN 978-605-338-025-2 (pbk) |
2013 | ‘Not quite “sui generis enough”: interrogation European values’, in: Richard McMahon (Hg.) Post-identity? Culture and European integration. Routledge/European Sociological Association Studies in European Societies (Abingdon: Routledge), 51–65. ISBN 9780415643764 (hbk), ISBN 9780367867508 (pbk), ISBN 9780203080016 (ebk). |
2012a | ‘Die Erweiterung des Sicherheitsbegriffs - normative Dilemmata zwischen Emanzipation und Militarisierung’, in: Thomas Nielebock, Simon Meisch und Volker Harms (Hg.) Zivilklauseln für Forschung, Lehre und Studium (Baden-Baden: Nomos), 271-87. ISBN 978-3-8329-7551-7. |
2012b | ‘Insulator, Bridge or Center? Turkey and Regional Security Complexes’, in: Ebru Canan-Sokullu (Hg.) Turkey: Security Challenges in the 21st Century (Lanham, MD: Lexington), 45-58. ISBN 978-0-7391-4871-6 (hbk), 978-0-7391-4873-0 (ebk). |
2011a | ‘Postmoderne und Europäische Integration. Die Dominaz des Staatsmodells, die Verantwortung gegenüber dem Anderen und die Konstruktion eines alternativen Horizonts’, in: Stephan Stetter, Carlo Masala und Marina Karbowski (Hg.) Was die EU im Innersten zusammenhält. Debatten zur Legitimität und Effektivität supranationalen Regierens. ZIB-Reader (Baden-Baden: Nomos), 46–76. Reprint of the 1996 article published in Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen. |
2011b | ‘Ethical Dimension: Promises, Obligations, Impatience and Delay: Reflections on the Ethical Aspects of Turkey-EU Relations’, in: Armagan Emre Cakir (Hg.), Fifty Years of EU-Turkey Relations. A Sisyphean Story (Basingstoke: Routledge), 158–75. ISBN 978-0-415-57963-6 (hbk), 978-203-83642-2 (ebk). |
2011c | ‘The European Union and Conflict Transformation’, in: Jens-Uwe Wunderlich und David Bailey (Hg.) The European Union and Global Governance: A Handbook (London: Routledge), 187-95 (mit Laurence Cooley). ISBN 978-1-85743-509-2 (hbk), 978-0-203-85050-3 (ebk). |
2011d | ‘Normative Power Europe and Conflict Transformation’, in: Richard G. Withman (Hg.) Normative Power Europe: Empirical and Theoretical Perspectives (Basingstoke: Palgrave), 210–25 (mit Michelle Pace). ISBN: 978-1-4039-9512-7. |
2011e | ‘Human Rights and the (De)Securitization of Conflict’, in: Raffaele Marchetti und Nathalie Tocci (Hg.) Civil Society, Conflicts and the Politicization of Human Rights (Tokyo: United Nations University Press), 13–46 (mit Thorsten Bonacker, Thorsten Gromes, Jana Groth und Emily Pia). ISBN 978-92-808-1199-5. |
2011f | ‘Human Rights Discourses and Conflict: Moving towards Desecuritization’, in: Raffaele Marchetti und Nathalie Tocci (Hg.) Civil Society, Conflicts and the Politicization of Human Rights (Tokyo: United Nations University Press), 204–19 (mit Emily Pia). ISBN 978-92-808-1199-5. |
2010 | ‘Europäische Identität, die EU und das Andere: Von der Vergangenheit und neuen Grenzziehungen’, in: Christiane Winkler und Johannes Wienand (Hg.) Die kulturelle Integration Europas (Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften), 235–50. ISBN 978-3-531-16375-8. |
2009 | ‘Reconfiguring Spaces of Conflict: Northern Ireland and the Impact of European Integration’, in: Chris Rumford (Hg.) Citizens and Borderwork in Contemporary Europe (London: Routledge), 47–62 (mit Katy Hayward). ISBN: 978-0-415-4747255-8. |
2007 | ‘Reflecting on Normative Power Europe’, in: Felix Berenskoetter und M.J. Williams (Hg.) Power in World Politics (London: Routledge), 173–88 (mit Ian Manners). ISBN 978-0-415-42113-3 (hbk), 978-0415-42114-0 (pbk), 978-0-203-94469 (ebk). |
2006 | 'Weltgesellschaft kontra internationale Gesellschaft? Zur Konflikthaftigkeit und Unterwanderung von Grenzen', in: Thorsten Bonacker und Christoph Weller (Hg.) Konflikte der Weltgesellschaft: Akteure – Strukturen – Dynamiken (Frankfurt/New York: Campus), ISBN 3-593-38226-1. |
2005a | 'Eine doppelte Grenzproblematik: Zypern und die Europäische Union', in: Holger Huget, Chryssoula Kambas und Wolfgang Klein (Hg.), Grenzüberschreitungen: Differenz und Identität im Europa der Gegenwart (Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften), 289-306. ISBN 3-531-14520-7. |
2005b | 'The European Union as a Stabiliser of Unstable Constitutional Systems? The Case of Cyprus', in: Thomas Giegerich (Hg.) The EU Accession of Cyprus (Baden-Baden: Nomos), 219-31. ISBN 3-8329-1798-5. |
2004a | 'Politics, Modern Systems Theory and the Critical Purpose of International Relations Theory', in: Mathias Albert und Lena Hilkermeier (Hg.) Observing International Relations: Niklas Luhmann and World Politics (London: Routledge), 30-43. ISBN 0-415-31538-7. |
2004b | 'The Subversion of Borders', in: Stefano Guzzini und Dietrich Jung (Hg.) Contemporary Security Analysis and Copenhagen Peace Research (London: Routledge), 128-40. ISBN 0-415-32410-6. |
2004c,d | 'Introducing the Mosaic of Integration Theory' and 'Taking Stock of Integration Theory', in: Antje Wiener und Thomas Diez (Hg.) European Integration Theory (Oxford: Oxford University Press), 1-24, 237-48 (mit Antje Wiener). ISBN 0-19-925248-3. |
2003a | 'Postmoderne Theorien der Internationalen Beziehungen', in: Thorsten Schieder und Manuela Spindler (Hg.) Theorien der Internationalen Beziehungen (Opladen: Leske + Budrich), 449-76. ISBN 3-8252-2315-9. 1 SSCI. |
2003b | 'Borders: from Maintaining Order to Subversion', in: MGIMO (Hg.) New Frontiers of Europe: Opportunities and Challenges (Moscow: MGIMO), 119-37, ISBN 5-9228-0110-4. |
2002a | 'Die Konflikttheorie postmoderner Theorien der internationalen Beziehungen', in: Thorsten Bonacker (Hg.) Sozialwissenschaftliche Konflikttheorien (Opladen: Leske + Budrich), 187-204. ISBN 3-8100-3002-3. 1 SSCI. Neu gedruckt in: Thorsten Bonacker (Hg.) (2005) Sozialwissenschaftliche Konflikttheorien: Eine Einführung, Dritte Ausgabe (Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften), 187-204. ISBN 3-531-14425-1. |
2002b,c,d | 'Introduction: Cyprus and the EU as a Political and Theoretical Problem'; 'Last Exit to Paradise? The EU, the Cyprus Conflict and the Problematic Catalytic Effect'; 'Cyprus and the European Union – an Opening', all in: Thomas Diez (Hg.), The EU and the Cyprus Conflict: Modern Conflict, Postmodern Union (Manchester: Manchester University Press), 1-13, 139-62, 203-12. ISBN 0-7190-6079-6. |
2002e | 'Identity Matters: Cyprus, Turkey and the European Union', in: Bertil Duner (Hg.) Turkey: The Road Ahead? (Stockholm: The Swedish Institute of International Affairs), 40-62. ISBN 91-7183-802-3. |
Index | Bücher | Zeitschriftenartikel | Buchkapitel | Working Papers | Book Reviews | Andere Publikationen
2018 | The Mosaic of Integration Theory, KFG The Transformative Power of Europe WP No.88 (with Antje Wiener). |
2014 | Regional Solutions for Regional Conflicts? The EU, the Neighbourhood and China, EUSC Policy Paper Series (with Eva Scherwitz). |
2013a | Securitising Climate Change, Framing Climate Change: Discursive Struggles and the Environment, ClimaSec Working Paper 1 (with Julia Grauvogel). |
2013b | What's at Stake in Securitising Climate Change? Towards a Differentiated Approach, ClimaSec Working Paper 4 (with Franziskus von Lucke and Zehra Wellmann). |
2009 | Human Rights in Conflict – Securitizing or Desecuritizing? SHUR Working Paper Series, WP06/09. |
2007 | Conflict and Human Rights: A Theoretical Framework, SHUR Working Paper Series, WP01/07. |
2004 | The European Union and the Transformation of Border Conflicts: Theorising the Impact of Integration and Association, EUBorderConf Working Paper Series in EU Border Conflict Studies 1. ISSN 1743-1840. 2 SG. |
2000a | The Imposition of Governance: Transforming Foreign Policy through EU Enlargement, COPRI-Working Paper 21-2000. ISSN 1397-0895. |
2000b | Analysing European Integration, Reflecting on the English School: Scenarios for an Encounter, COPRI-Working Paper 20-2000 (with Richard G. Whitman). ISSN 1397-0895. |
2000c | Last Exit to Paradise? Cyprus, the European Union, and the Problematic „Catalytic Effect‟, COPRI-Working Paper 4-2000. ISSN 1397-0895. |
1998a | Speaking „Europe‟: The Politics of Integration Discourse, Copenhagen: COPRI-Working Paper 26-1998. ISSN 1397-0895. |
1998b | The Economic Community Reading of Europe: Its Discursive Nodal Points and Ambiguities towards “Westphalia“, Copenhagen: COPRI-Working Paper 6-1998. ISSN 1397-0895. 3 SG. |
1996 | Regieren jenseits der Staatlichkeit? Legitimitätsideen in der Europäischen Union, Mannhheim: MZES-Working Paper AB III / Nr.15 (with Markus Jachtenfuchs and Sabine Jung). ISSN 0948-0099. 2 SG. |
Index | Bücher | Zeitschriftenartikel | Buchkapitel | Working Papers | Book Reviews | Andere Publikationen
2017 | Katherine McNamara: The Politics of Everyday Europe, Journal of Common Market Studies, 55 (2), 409. ISSN 0021-9886. DOI 10.1111/jcms.12539. |
2014 | Sabine Saurugger: Theoretical Approaches to European Integration, Journal of Common Market Studies, 52 (5), 1162-3. ISSN 0021-9886. DOI 10.1111/jcms.12173. |
2009 | George Gavrilis: The Dynamics of Interstate Boundaries, Perspectives on Politics, 7 (3), 711-2. ISSN 1537-5927. DOI 10.1017/S1537592709991393. |
2008 | 'European Identity, the Permanent Construction Site', book review essay, Journal of Common Market Studies, 46 (3), 709-13. ISSN 0021-9886. DOI 10.1111/j.1468-5965.2008.00800.x. |
2006 | Jörg Friedrichs: European Approaches to International Relations Theory: A House with Many Mansions, Millennium: Journal of International Studies, 35 (2), 456-9. ISSN 0305-8298. |
2003 | Clement Dodd: Storm Clouds over Cyprus: A Briefing, European Foreign Affairs Review, 8 (1), 149-50. ISSN 1384-6299. |
2001 | Christopher Brewin: The European Union and Cyprus, Millennium: Journal of International Studies, 30 (2), 394-5. ISSN 0305-8298. |
2000a | Ben Rosamond: Theories of European Integration, Millennium: Journal of International Studies, 29 (3), 974-5. ISSN 0305-8298. |
2000b | Ioannis Stefanidis: Isle of Discord: Nationalism, Imperialism and the Making of the Cyprus Problem; and Farid Mirbagheri: Cyprus and International Peacemaking, Millennium: Journal of International Studies, 29 (1), 261-3. ISSN 0305-8298. |
2000c | Antje Wiener: 'European' Citizenship Practice: Building Institutions of a Non-State, Politische Vierteljahresschrift, 41 (1), 193-4. ISSN 0032-3470. |
1999a | Adam Watson: The Limits of Independence: Relations between States in the Modern World, Politische Vierteljahresschrift, 40 (1), 217-8. ISSN 0032-3470. |
1999b | Philip Thody: An Historical Introduction to the European Union, H-DIPLO, 28 Jan 99. |
1998a | Bill McSweeney (ed.): Moral Issues in International Affairs: Problems of European Integration, Millennium: Journal of International Studies, 27 (3), 737-9. ISSN 0305-8298. |
1998b | Anthony de Jasay: Against Politics: On Government, Anarchy, and Order, Millennium: Journal of International Studies, 27 (2), 377-8. ISSN 0305-8298. |
1997 | Henrik Larsen: Foreign Policy and Discourse Analysis: France, Britain and Europe, Millennium: Journal of International Studies, 26 (3), 931-3. ISSN 0305-8298. |
1996a | Michael Baun: An Imperfect Union and Michael Newman: Democracy, Sovereignty and the European Union, Millennium: Journal of International Studies, 25 (2), 449-51. ISSN 0305-8298 |
1996b | Stephen Padgett (Hg.): Adenauer to Kohl, Public Administration, 74 (3), 564-5. ISSN 0033-3298. |
Index | Bücher | Zeitschriftenartikel | Buchkapitel | Working Papers | Book Reviews | Andere Publikationen
2023 | 'It’s time for the EU to step up efforts to revamp the liberal international order'. The Loop. (Blogpost mit Helene Sjursen, Viacheslav Morozov, Michela Ceccorulli, Enrico Fassi, Sonia Lucarelli, Senem Aydın-Düzgit, Franziskus von Lucke, Pol Bargués-Pedreny, Jonathan Joseph, Ana E. Juncos und Johanne Døhlie Saltnes) |
2021 | ‘Erleben wir ein Scheitern der Vereinten Nationen? Interview mit Prof. Dr. Thomas Diez zum aktuellen Zustand der Vereinten Nationen‘, in Erik Müller (Hg.) Gemeinschaftskunde 11/12: Wirtschaftspolitik und internationale Beziehungen (Bamberg: C.C. Buchner), 366-7. |
2020a | 'More Commitment, Wider Recognition: Pathways to a More Just EU Climate Strategy', GLOBUS Policy Brief 2/2020, (mit Franziskus von Lucke). |
2020b | 'Learning from Corona: Climate Change, Security and Justice', GLOBUS Justice Blog, 13 Mai 2020. |
2020c | 'Into an Uncertain Future? The EU and the Caucasus in 2040 – Future Scenarios' (Tübingen/Berlin: University of Tübingen/SSC Europe), (herausgegeben mit Elmar Mustafayev, Iris Rehklau und Sebastian Schäffer). |
2019a | 'Identity and Conflict: Revisioning Relations in the EU Neighbourhood' (Tübingen/Berlin: University of Tübingen/SSC Europe), (herausgegeben mit Bettina Ahrens, Iris Rehklau und Sebastian Schäffer). |
2019b | ‘The EU’s Global Climate Leadership’, GLOBUS Flash Brieg 1/2019, (mit Franziskus von Lucke). |
2018a | ‘The End of the Merkel Era and its Implications for Global Politics’, Australian Outlook (Australian Institute of International Affairs), 31 Oktober 2018. |
2018b | 'The EU and the Caucasus in 2030 – Envisioning the Future' (Tübingen/Berlin: University of Tübingen/SSC Europe), (herausgegeben mit Bettina Ahrens, Iris Rehklau und Sebastian Schäffer). |
2014 | 'Regional Solutions for Regional Conflicts? The EU, the Neighbourhood and China', EUSC Policy Paper Series Summer 2014 (mit Eva Scherwitz). |
2013 | 'The European Union External Action in Times of Crisis and Change: Public Diplomacy and Discourse', GRE:EN European Policy Brief Oktober 2013 (mit Johan Robberecht). |
2008 | 'Europe – a Borderless Society? Reflections on the Status of Borders in the EU', Harvard International Review 23 September 2008. |
2007 | 'Exista multa intoleranta in statele membre ale Uniunii Europene'. Interviu cu Thomas Diez, Observator Cultural (Bucharest), 399, 22 November 2007, 7. ISSN 1454-9883. |
2004a | 'Open the Door', The World Today, August/September 2004, 18–9 (mit Bahar Rumelili). ISSN 0043-9134. |
2004b | 'Europe', 'Taksim' – contributions to Out of the Shadows: What Is Written Cannot Be Unwritten, Witte de With Center for Contemporary Art, Rotterdam, 7 November 2004 – 9 Januar 2005 (Part of the cultural programme of the Dutch EU Presidency). |
2004c | 'Postmoderne/Poststrukturalismus', in PolitikON. |
2004d | 'Turkey, Cyprus and the EU: Remarks on a Complex Triangle', Tove H. Malloy und Tankut Soykan, Cyprus Settlement Initiative Project: Addressing the Settlement of Self-Determination Conflicts through Complex Power-Sharing: The Case of Cyprus, Flensburg: European Centre for Minority Issues (ECMI), ECMI Report #52, Oktober 2004, 46–8 |
2003 | '„Roots“ of Conflict, Conflict Transformation and EU Influence: Summary of Initial Comment', European Commission workshop, Brussels, 14 Februar 2003 |
2000 | 'Inkarnationen af den Anden: Haider og Europas fredsfælleskab', COPRI-Nyhedsbrev 6 (May 2000), 12-4. ISSN 1398-7259. Englische Version ("Incarnation of the Other: Haider and Europe's Peace Community") in The Jetlagged News, 4/2000. |
1999a | 'Et moralsk faelleskab under opbygning', Europa – Europa-Kommissionens Nyhedsbrev, Nr. 3 / November 1999, 4-5. |
1999b | 'Teaching the EU: Reinvestigating Integration', ECSA Review, 12 (3), 6–9. ISSN 1090-5758. |
1999c | 'EU medlemsskab og Cypern – en truende katastrofe?', COPRI-Nyhedsbrev, 2, 10–3. ISSN 1398-7259. |
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