Englisches Seminar

Prof. Dr. Jörg O. Fichte

Areas of Research

Chaucer, Arthurian literature, medieval and Tudor drama, medieval literary theory, Tudor religious literature, Medievalism, and 19th- and 20th-century English and American Arthurian literature.




  • From Camelot to Obamalot: Essays on Medieval and Modern Arthurian Literature. Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2010.


  • together with Fritz Kemmler, Alt- und Mittelenglische Literatur. Eine Einführung. 3rd ed. Tübingen: Narr, 2005.


  • Chaucer's ‘Art Poetical’. A Study in Chaucerian Poetics. Tübingen: Narr, 1980. (Studies and Texts in English 1).


  • Expository Voices in Medieval Drama. Essays on the Mode and Function of Dramatic Exposition. Nürnberg: Carl, 1975. (Erlanger Beiträge zur Sprach- und Kunstwissenschaft 53). 

Edited Books & Journals


  • Millennial Thought in America: Historical and Intellectual Contexts, 1630-1860. Eds. Bernd Engler, Joerg O. Fichte, Oliver Scheiding. Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2002.


  • Das Mittelalter 1,1 (1996): Providentia - Fatum - Fortuna. Ed. Joerg O. Fichte.
  • Semiotik, Rhetorik und Soziologie des Lachens. Eds. Lothar Fietz, Joerg O. Fichte, Hans-Werner Ludwig.Tübingen: Niemeyer,1996.


  • Chaucer's Frame Tales. The Physical and the Metaphysical. Ed. Joerg O. Fichte. Tübingen: Narr; Cambridge: Brewer, 1987.


  • Zusammenhänge, Einflüsse, Wirkungen. Kongressakten zum ersten Symposium des Mediävistenverbandes in Tübingen 1984. Eds. Joerg O. Fichte, Karl Heinz Göller and Bernhard Schimmelpfennig. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter, 1986.

Text Editions


  • Das Streitgedicht im Mittelalter, ed. together with Peter Stotz, Sebastian Neumeister, Roger Friedlein, Franziska Wenzel, and Holger Runow. Relectiones 6. Stuttgart: S. Hirzel Verlag, 2019.


  •  Ywain and Gawain. Relectiones 5. Stuttgart: S. Hirzel Verlag, 2017.


  • Mittelenglische Artusromanzen: Sir Percyvell of Gales, The Awntyrs off Arthure, The Weddynge of Sir Gawain and Dame Ragnell. Relectiones 1. Stuttgart: S. Hirzel Verlag, 2014.


  • Geoffrey Chaucer. Die Canterbury-Erzählungen. Mittelenglisch und Deutsch. 3 Vols.  Translated by Fritz Kemmler; Commentary by Jörg O. Fichte. Munich: Goldmann, 1989, 2nd ed. 2000.

Contributions to Handbooks, Encyclopedias, etc.


  • Art.“Adattamenti delle leggende di Artú e Tristano” in Lo Spazio Letterario del Medioevo, 2. Il Medioevo Volgare, Vol IV L´Attualizzazione del Testo. Ed. Piero Boitani, Mario Mancini, Alberto Vàvaro. Roma: Salerno Editrice, 2004. Pp. 91-124.


  •  “Further reading: a guide to Chaucer studies” in The Cambridge Companion to Chaucer. Ed. Piero Boitani and Jill Mann. Cambridge: CUP, 2003. Pp. 290-306.


  •  Art. “New Historicism.” Reallexikon der deutschen Literaturwissenschaft. Ed. Harald Fricke. Vol. 2. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 2000. Pp. 712-714.


  • Art. “The Shaping of European Historiography: Beda, ‘Historia Ecclesiastica Gentis Anglorum’ (c. 731) and Geoffrey of Monmouth, ‘Historia Regum Britanniae’ (c. 1136).” Medienwissenschaft. Ed. Joachim-Felix Leonhard, Hans-Werner Ludwig, Dietrich Schwarze
    and Erich Straßner. Vol. 1. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 1999. Cols. 636-649.


  • Art. ‘Exposition.’ Historisches Wörterbuch der Rhetorik. Ed. Gert Ueding. Vol. 3. Tübingen: Niemeyer, 1996. Cols. 156-160.



  • “Daniel Kehlmann’s Tyll Ulenspiegel in Wonderland: His Wondrous Survival in the Time of War and Witchcraft.” Astonishment. Essays on Wonder for Piero Boitani. Ed. Emilia di Rocco. Roma: Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, 2019. Pp. 293-310.
  • “From Malory to Hollywood.The Devolution of Le Morte d’Arthur.” Simplify, simplify! Brevity, Plainness and Their Complications in  American Literature and Culture. Festschrift für Bernd Engler on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday. Eds. Isabell Klaiber, Oliver Scheiding and Jan Stievermann. Paderborn: Ferdinand Schöningh, 2019. Pp. 173-186.


  • “Sir Gawain or the Remains of King Arthur. Ars oblivionis versus ars memoriae in Kazuo Ishiguro’s The Buried Giant.” Formen arthurischen Erzählens vom Mittellalter bis zur Gegenwart. Eds. Cora Dietl and Christoph Schanze. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2016. Pp. 361-383.


  • “Manifestations of Otherness in Sir Perceval of Gales: Witches, Saracens and Giants.” Public Declamations.  Eds. Georgiana Donavin and Denise Stodola. Turnhout: Brepols, 2015. Pp. 149-171.


  • „Das Andere (Hexen, Heiden, Riesen) in ‚Sir Perceval of Gales’. Anmerkungen zu einer mittelenglischen Version des Parzival-Stoffes.“ Wolfram-Studien 23 (2014), 71-89.


  • “State super vias, et videte, et interrogate de viis antiquis que sit bona et ambulate in ea.” Connotations 18.1-3 (2008/2009), 6-27.
  • “The Appearance of the Commonwealth and the People in Tudor Drama.” Drama and Cultural Change: Turning Around Shakespeare. Eds. Matthias Bauer and Angelika Zirker. Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2009. Pp. 5-22.


  • “Die Sexualisierung und Feminisierung des Grals im zeitgenössischen amerikanischen Roman.” Tübinger mediävistische Beiträge zum 80. Geburtstag von Walter Haug. Eds. Gisela Vollmann-Profe, Cora Dietl, Annette Gerok-Reiter, Christoph Huber und Paul Sappler. Tübingen: Niemeyer, 2007. Pp. 379-96.
  • “Epos, Empire, Gentleman: König Artus in Tennysons Idylls of the King.” Kulturelle Leitfiguren - Figurationen und Refigurationen. Eds. Bernd Engler and Isabell Klaiber. Berlin: Duncker & Humblot. 2007. Pp. 165-83.
  • “Wunden, Blut und Blutsbande in Malorys Morte Darthur.” Körperkonzepte im arthurischen Roman. Ed. Friedrich Wolfzettel. Tübingen: Niemeyer. 2007. Pp. 57-74.


  • “Crime Fiction Set in the Middle Ages: Historical Novel and Detective Story.” ZAA 53 (2005), 53-70.


  • “‘If You Achieve Perfection, You Die’: The Treatment of Galahad in Modern Arthurian Literature.” Of Remembraunce the Keye: Medieval Literature and its Impact through the Ages. Festschrift for Karl Heinz Göller on the Occasion of his 80th Birthday. Ed. Uwe Böker in collaboration with Dieter A. Berger and Noel Kaylor, Jr. Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 2004. Pp. 215-32.
  • “Rome and Its Anti-pole in the Man of Law’s and the Second Nun’s Tale: Cristendom and Hethenesse.” Anglia 122 (2004), 225-49.


  • “Das Wundersame und seine Funktionalisierung in den mittelenglischen Gawainromanzen.” Das Wunderbare in der arthurischen Literatur: Probleme und Perspektiven. Ed. Friedrich Wolfzettel. Tübingen: Niemeyer, 2003. Pp. 341-61.


  • “The Negotiation of Power in John Cotton’s Commentaries on Revelation.” Millennial Thought in America: Historical and Intellectual Contexts, 1630-1860. Ed. Bernd Engler, Joerg O. Fichte, Oliver Scheiding. Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2002. Pp. 39-59.
  • “Transformations of Millennial Thought in America, 1630-1860.” Millennial Thought in America: Historical and Intellectual Contexts, 1630-1860. Ed. Bernd Engler, Joerg O. Fichte, Oliver Scheiding. Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2002. Pp.10-14; 31-33.


  • “‘For coueitise after cros; þe croune stant in golde’ -: Money as Matter and Metaphor in Piers Plowman.” Material Culture and Cultural Materialisms in the Middle Ages and Renaissance. Ed. Curtis Perry. Turnhout: Brepols, 2001. Pp. 59-74.


  • “Galfred, Wace, Layamon. Die Geschichte Englands in drei Sprachen und drei Kulturen.” Wolfram-Studien 16 (2000), 84-101.
  • “Medieval Lyrics in Twentieth-Century Anthologies: Defining the Canon.” Anthologies of British Poetry: Critical Perspectives from Literary and Cultural Studies. Ed. Barabara Korte, Ralf Schneider and Stephanie Lethbridge. Amsterdam/Atlanta: Rodopi, 2000. Pp. 251-64.
  • “Topical Argument in Chaucer's Book of the Duchess.” Essays on Old, Middle, Modern English and Old Icelandic. In Honor of Raymond P. Tripp, Jr. Ed. Loren C. Gruber, Meredith Crellin Gruber and Gregory K. Jember. Lewiston, New York: The Edwin Mellen Press, 2000. Pp. 387-408. 
  • “Topische Argumentationsmuster in Chaucers Book of the Duchess.” Topik und Rhetorik. Ein interdisziplinäres Symposium. Ed. Thomas Schirren and Gert Ueding. Tübingen: Niemeyer, 2000. Pp. 199-208.


  • “Caxton’s Concept of ‘Historical Romance’ within the Context of the Crusades: conviction, rhetoric and sales strategy.” Tradition and Transformation in Medieval Romance. Ed. Rosalind Field. Cambridge: D.S. Brewer, 1999. Pp. 101-113.
  • “Foxe’s Acts and Monuments: The Spirit´s Triumph over the Flesh.” The Body and the Soul in Medieval Literature. Ed. Piero Boitani and Anna Torti. Cambridge: D.S. Brewer, 1999. Pp. 167-79.
  • “Telling the End: Arthur’s Death.” Erzählstrukturen der Artusliteratur:Forschungsgeschichte und neue Ansätze. Ed. Friedrich Wolfzettel. Tübingen: Niemeyer, 1999. Pp. 275-90.


  •  “Der Kreuzzugsgedanke in Caxtons Verlagsprogramm: Ideologie und Absatzstrategie.” Hochmittelalterliches Geschichtsbewußtsein im Spiegel nichthistoriographischer Quellen. Ed. Hans-Werner Goetz. Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 1998. Pp. 377-88.
  • “The Estate Moralities as a Mirror of Tudor Concepts of Kingship.” Archiv 235 (1998), 267-84.


  • “Konkurrierende und kontrastierende Zeitmuster in Chaucers Canterbury Tales.” Zeitkonzeptionen - Zeiterfahrung - Zeitmessung. Ed. Trude Ehlert. Paderborn: Schöningh, 1997. Pp. 223-41.


  • “Lachen und komplexe narrative Strukturen in der mittelenglischen höfischen Romanze. Semiotik, Rhetorik und Soziologie des Lachens.” Eds. Lothar Fietz, Joerg O. Fichte, Hans-Werner Ludwig. Tübingen: Niemeyer, 1996. Pp. 97-116.
  • “Providentia - Fatum - Fortuna.” Das Mittelalter 1 (1996), 5-20.
  • “The End of Utopia - The Treatment of Arthur and His Court in Contemporary German Drama.” Mediaevalitas: Reading the Middle Ages. Eds. Piero Boitani and Anna Torti. Cambridge: Brewer, 1996. Pp. 153-69.


  • “Von der Historie zur Tragödie: Macht und Ohnmacht des Schicksals über Troilus und Cressida. ” Fortuna. Eds. Walter Haug and Burghart Wachinger. Tübingen: Niemeyer, 1995. Pp. 192-215.


  • “Die Darstellung von Jesus Christus im Passionsgeschehen der englischen Fronleichnamszyklen und der spätmittelalterlichen deutschen Passionsspiele.” Die Passion Christi in Literatur und Kunst des Spätmittelalters. Eds. Walter Haug and Burghart Wachinger. Tübingen: Niemeyer, 1993. Pp. 277-96.
  • “Die Eustachiuslegende, ‘Sir Isumbras’ und ‘Sappho Duke of Mantua’.” Kleinere Erzählformen des 15. und 16. Jahrhunderts. Eds. Walter Haug und Burghart Wachinger. Tübingen: Niemeyer, 1993. Pp. 130-50.
  • “‘Fakt’ und Fiktion in der Artusgeschichte des 12. Jahrhunderts.” Fiktionalität im Artusroman. Eds. Volker Mertens and Friedrich Wolfzettel. Tübingen: Niemeyer, 1993. Pp. 45-62.
  • “Images of Arthurian Literature Reflected in Chaucer's Poetry.” Archiv 230 (1993), 52-61.


  •  “Historia and Fabula. Arthurian Traditions and Audience Expectations in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight.” Festschrift Walter Haug und Burghart Wachinger. Eds. Johannes Janota et al. Tübingen: Niemeyer, 1992. Pp. 589-602.
  • “New Wine in Old Bottles: The Protestant Adaptation of the Morality Play.” Anglia 110 (1992), 65-84.
  • “The Passion Plays in Ludus Coventriae and the Continental Passion Plays.” Chaucer to Shakespeare. Essays in Honour of Shinsuke Ando. Eds. Toshiyuki Takamiya and Richard Beadle. Cambridge: Brewer, 1992. Pp. 111-20.


  • “Grappling with Arthur or Is There an English Verse Romance?” Poetics: Theory and Practice in Medieval English Literature. Eds. Piero Boitani and Anna Torti. Cambridge: Brewer, 1991. Pp. 149-63.
  • “‘Quha wait gif all that Chauceir wrait was trew’ - Auctor and auctoritas in 15th Century English Literature.” Traditionswandel und Traditionsverhalten. Eds. Walter Haug and Burghart Wachinger. Tübingen: Niemeyer, 1991. Pp. 61-76.


  • “Arthurische und nicht-arthurische Texte im Gespräch, dargestellt am Beispiel der mittelenglischen Romanze Sir Perceval of Galles.” Artusroman und Intertextualität. Ed. Friedrich Wolfzettel. Giessen: Schmitz, 1990. Pp. 19-34. 


  • “Chaucer's Work in German Literary Scholarship to 1914.” Poetica 29/30 (1989), 93-101.
  • The Awntyrs off Arthure: An Unconscious Change of the Paradigm of Adventure.” The Living Middle Ages. Studies in Mediaeval English Literature and Its Tradition. A Festschrift for Karl Heinz Göller. Ed. Uwe Böker, Manfred Markus and Rainer Schöwerling. Stuttgart: Belser, 1989. Pp. 129-36.


  •  “Hearing and Reading the Canterbury Tales.” Mündlichkeit und Schriftlichkeit im englischen Mittelalter. Ed. Willi Erzgräber and Sabine Volk. Tübingen: Narr, 1988. Pp. 121-32.
  • “The Treatment of Love and Sex in Selected Specimens of Medieval Visionary Literature.” In Geardagum 9 (1988), 1-21.


  •  “Chaucer's Shipman's Tale Within the Context of the French Fabliaux Tradition.” Chaucer's Frame Tales. The Physical and the Metaphysical. Ed. Joerg O. Fichte. Tübingen: Narr, 1987; Cambridge: Brewer, 1987. Pp. 51-66.


  • “Altenglische Mystik: Sackgasse der neohistorischen Literaturkritik.” Mittelalterbilder aus neuer Perspektive. Würzburger Kolloquium 1984. Eds. E. Ruhe and R. Behrens. München: Fink, 1986. Pp. 392-403.
  • “Der Ackermann aus Böhmen: ‘Experience’ Becomes Art - A Poetic Response to Death.” Intellectuals and Writers in Fourteenth-Century Europe: The J.A.W. Bennett Memorial Lectures, Perugia, 1984. Eds. Piero Boitani and Anna Torti. Tübingen: Narr, 1986. Pp. 178-90.
  • “Vom Shyvalere de Charyot zum Knight That Rode in the Charyot: Überlegungen zu Malorys Adaption des ‘Prosa-Lancelot’. ” Wolfram-Studien 9 (1986), 267-83.


  • “The Presentation of Sin as Verbal Action in the Moral Interludes.” Anglia 103 (1985), 26-47.
  • Womanly Noblesse and To Rosemounde: Point and Counterpoint of Chaucerian Love Lyrics.” Studies in the Age of Chaucer, Proceedings 1 (1984): Reconstructing Chaucer. Eds. Paul Strohm and Thomas J. Heffernan. Knoxville, Tenn.: New Chaucer Society, 1985. Pp. 181-94.


  • “Die englischsprachige Artusromanze im 15. Jahrhundert: Kritik, Groteske, Burleske. Artusrittertum im späten Mittelalter.” Ed. Friedrich Wolfzettel. Gießen: Schmitz, 1984. Pp. 47-59.
  • “Geschichte wird Geschichte: Überlegungen zum Realitätsbezug der homiletischen Artusromanze.” Spätmittelalterliche Artusliteratur. Ed. Karl Heinz Göller. Paderborn: Schöningh, 1984. Pp. 69-84.


  • “Incident - History - Exemplum - Novella: The Transformation of History in Chaucer's Physician's Tale.” Florilegium 5 (1983), 189-207.
  • “The Middle English Arthurian Romance. The Popular Tradition in the Fourteenth Century.” Literature in Fourteenth-Century England. The J.A.W. Bennett Memorial Lectures. Perugia, 1981-1982. Eds. Piero Boitani and Anna Torti. Tübingen: Narr; Cambridge: Brewer, 1983. Pp. 137-53.


  • “The Figure of Sir Gawain.” The Alliterative Morte Arthure. A Reassessment of the Poem. Ed. Karl Heinz Göller. Cambridge: Brewer, 1981. Pp. 106-16; 174-76.
  • “The Middle English Arthurian Verse Romance: Suggestions for the Development of a Literary Typology.” DVLG 55 (1981), 567-90.


  • “The Artistic Possibilities and Limitations of Personification Allegory in Late Medieval and Early Renaissance Drama.” Tübingen Studies in Literature and Language. Ed. Gregory K. Jember. Denver: Society for New Language Study, 1980. Pp. 90-105.


  • “The End of an Age Reflected in Its Poetry: Problems of Poetic Closure in 14th Century English Literature.” Poetica 8 (1977), 6-22.


  • “Der Einfluss der Kirche auf die mittelalterliche Literaturästhetik. Beobachtungen zur Situation des Dichters im Mittelalter.” Studia Neophilologica 48 (1976), 3-20.
  • “The Visitatio Sepulchri as Actualization of Dramatic Impulses in the Ninth and Tenth Centuries.” NM 77 (1976), 211-26.


  • “Man’s Free Will and the Poet’s Choice: The Creation of Artistic Order in Chaucer's Knight’s Tale.” Anglia 93 (1975), 335-60.


  • “The Book of the Duchess - A Consolation?” Studia Neophilologica 45 (1973), 53-67.
  • “The Clerk's Tale: An Obituary to Gentilesse.” In Geardagum 5 (1973), 9-16.


Some fifty reviews in the following journals: Anglia, Archiv, JEGP, SAC, ZAA, and Zeitschrift für deutsches Altertum und Literatur.


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