University Library

Framework agreements with publishers

Depending on the publication type, Open Access publication charges (= APC Article Processing Charges) are treated differently:

APCs in pure OA journals may be subsidized.
Depending on the existing contract with the publisher, OA publishing in hybrid journals is included, discounted, or must be paid for in full. Fees of transformation contracts are centrally financed and/or, if applicable, allocated on a flat-rate basis (analogous to existing subscription contracts): no costs are incurred for the individual authors.

Regardless, there are publishers who will bill you individually per item. Others bill the APCs via a central collective invoice to the university library. The latter is a formal step that does not allow any conclusions regarding central cost absorption. If applicable, the UB will continue to bill in full (plus the applicable 19% tax) after publication. On the other hand, you will find contract offers on the publishers' homepages that the UB has not joined.

Further notes.

All this information refers only to the OA publication costs - color and page charges, review fees, overlength fees, etc. are additional services and will be billed directly to you in addition, if applicable.

As a rule, authors - as long as the article has not yet been published - can influence the license with which they publish their article.
Tübingen University Library recommends the Creative Commons module CC-BY or another Open Content license of the same scope.
The NC license module in particular does not meet the requirements for an Open Access publication in the true sense. You can read more about this here. If you need support, please ask at the UB.


Pure Open Access journals:
Based on the existing contract, the corresponding authors of the institution publish unrestricted free of charge in the pure Open Access journals. Centralized billing to the University Library, you will not receive individual billing downstream. 

Hybrid journals: 
For corresponding authors of the institution choosing the Open Access option does not affect the costs - you will not be charged.

Please submit with your university email address, otherwise your article cannot be assigned to our contract.


Pure Open Access Journals:
No contract between ACS and the University of Tübingen.

Hybrid Journals:
Due to our contract, members of the institution receive a $250 USD discount on the list APCs. Individual billing to the author.
(Note: This is not a Transformative Agreement as defined by cOAlition S.)

BioMed Central BMC

The membership partnership model with BMC has ended.
The title portfolio is now covered by Springer Nature's Institutional Open Access Agreement (see there).


Pure Open Access Journals:
Corresponding authors of the institution receive a 15% discount on list APCs.
Central APC invoicing to the University Library. 
After deducting the grant from the Open Access Publication Fund, you will be charged for the remaining costs after publication.

Hybrid Journals: 
For corresponding authors of the institution choosing the Open Access option for research articles does not affect the costs - you will not be charged. 

Special case: The BMJ 
15% discount on the list APC for research articles, pass-on of the discounted costs in full. Other article types are not covered by the contract.

Choice of CC-BY license:
Please indicate the Open Access Publication Fund of the University of Tübingen at the time of submission. At BMJ it is deposited that funded articles are published with CC-BY.
("Does your paper need to be published with reuse permitted as per the CC BY license?" - "Yes!")

Company of Biologists

Pure Open Access Journals:
No contract between The Company of Biologists and the University of Tübingen.

Hybrid Journals:
For corresponding authors of the institution choosing the Open Access option in the journals

  • Development
  • Journal of Cell Science
  • Journal of Experimental Biology

does not affect the costs - you will not be charged.


Pure Open Access Journals:
No fixed price per item, APC is based on number of pages, no discounts agreed, individual reductions possible.
Central APC invoicing to the university library for corresponding authors of the institution. 
After deducting the subsidy from the Open Access Publication Fund, you will be charged for the remaining costs after publication.

CUP - Cambridge University Press

Pure Open Access journals:
Based on the existing contract, the corresponding authors of the institution publish unrestricted free of charge in the pure Open Access journals. Centralized billing to the University Library, you will not receive individual billing downstream. 

Hybrid journals: 
For corresponding authors of the institution choosing the Open Access option does not affect the costs - you will not be charged.

De Gruyter

Pure Open Access journals: 
Corresponding authors of the institution receive a discount of 20% on the list APCs.
Central APC invoicing to the University Library. 
After deducting the subsidy from the Open Access Publication Fund, you will be charged for the remaining costs after publication.

Hybrid Journals: 
For corresponding authors of the institution choosing the Open Access option for journals in the contract package does not affect the costs - you will not be charged.

Elsevier / Cell Press / The Lancet

Pure Open Access Journals:
Corresponding authors of the institution receive a 20% discount on list APCs of Elsevier Fully Gold Open Access journals and a 15% discount on the list list APCs of Fully Gold Cell Press and The Lancet journals due to the DEAL contract.
Central APC invoicing to the University Library.
After deducting the grant from the Open Access Publication Fund, you will be charged for the remaining costs after publication.

Hybrid journals: 
For Corresponding authors of the institution, the costs for the Open Access option are covered due to the DEAL contract.

After acceptance, please select "University of Tübingen" or "University Hospital Tübingen" from the drop-down menu in the publication workflow as the associated institution ("contract partner") to assign your article to the DEAL agreement.


Pure Open Access journals: 
Eligible authors of the institution receive 10% discount on the list APCs. This discount may be combined with individual discounts.
Central APC invoicing to the University Library. 
After deducting the grant from the Open Access Publication Fund, you will be charged for the remaining costs after publication.


Pure Open Access Journals:
The majority of Hindawi journals will fall under the Wiley DEAL contract beginning in 2023: corresponding authors of the institution will receive a 20% discount on list APCs.
Central APC invoicing to the University Library. 
After deducting the grant from the Open Access Publication Fund, you will be charged for the remaining costs after publication.
Only one corresponding author (CA) can be specified in the submission workflow at Hindawi. This means: the author who is eligible (corresponding or first author of the institution) must submit and select the affiliation correctly.

The following Hindawi citations are NOT Wiley/Project DEAL eligible:

  • Adsorption Science & Technology        
  • Advanced Gut & Microbiome Research 
  • Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research
  • Genetics Research       
  • Global Health, Epidemiology and Genomics     
  • International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks     
  • Journal of GeoEnergy  
  • Journal of Smoking Cessation  
  • Journal of the Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System  
  • Laser and Particle Beams        
  • Mental Illness  
  • Molecular Imaging       
  • Wireless Power Transfer.


Pure Open Access Journals:
Corresponding authors of the institution receive a 25% discount on list APCs of the journals 

  • European Journal of Psychology Open
  • Psychological Test Adaptation and Development (PTAD)
  • Sports Psychiatry - Journal of Sports and Exercise Psychiatry

Central APC invoicing to the University Library. 
After deducting the grant from the Open Access Publication Fund, you will be charged for the remaining costs after publication.

Hybrid Journals: 
For corresponding authors of the institution choosing the Open Access option for journals in the contract package does not affect the costs - you will not be charged.


Pure Open Access Journals:
Members of the university receive a 10% discount on list APCs. IOAP discount and voucher can be combined.
Individual itemized billing on the part of the publisher. Please submit publisher invoices to UB for payment.
After deducting the grant from the Open Access Publication Fund, you will be charged for the remaining costs after publication.

Microbiology Society

Pure open access journals:
Based on the existing contract, corresponding authors of the institution publish unrestricted free of charge in the journals

  • Access Microbiology
  • Microbial Genomics
  • Microbiology.

Centralized billing to the University Library, you will not receive individual billing downstream. 

Hybrid journals: 
For corresponding authors of the institution choosing the Open Access option does not affect the costs - you will not be charged.

Please submit with your university email address, otherwise your article cannot be assigned to our contract.

Open Library Economics (OLEcon)

The OLEcon team supports journal editors in the transition to Diamond Open Access and in setting up a sustainable funding model. The rights of the journals funded by OLEcon remain with the editors or non-commercial societies. The journals are published in Diamant Open Access, no publication fees are charged.

The University Library and the Economics Library are financially involved in this project as part of an agreement between universities in Germany.

The following journals are currently supported by OLEcon and are published in Diamant Open Access. No fees are charged for the publication of articles:

  • German Journal of Agricultural Economics (GJAE)
  • European Journal of Economics and Economic Policies (EJEEP)
  • Junior Management Science (JUMS)

Open Library of Humanities (OLH)

The Open Library of Humanities (OLH) is a nonprofit open access publisher for the humanities and social sciences.

OLH is funded by an international library consortium. Authors do not incur publication fees because Tübingen University Library supports the project.

The OLH publishes the megajournal Open Library of Humanities (comparable to PLoS one for the life sciences), provides a platform for nearly 30 journals in the humanities and social sciences, and supports teams of editors who wish to convert their journal to publication in Fair Open Access.
Link to the title list.

PNAS - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America

Hybrid Open Access at PNAS:
You can choose between immediate Open Access or delayed Open Access for your publication.

For immediate Open Access publishing, you will be charged USD 4,995 plus tax (USD 500 discount). This price includes all fees for articles up to 12 pages in length. You have the choice between CC BY-NC-ND or CC BY license.

Alternatively, your publication can appear in delayed Open Access. The price for this is USD 2,595 plus tax (again, complete for articles up to 12 pages in length). With delayed Open Access, all articles are published under CC BY-NC-ND license after a delay of 6 months - before that, they are only visible to PNAS subscribers.

(Note: The University of Tübingen has not joined the Transformative Agreement as defined by cOAlition S).

Public Library of Science (PLoS)

Pure Open Access Journals:

Corresponding authors of the institution publish unrestricted free of charge in all journals of the Public Library of Science (PLoS).
Centralized billing to the University Library, you will not receive individual billing downstream.

Please select "My institution will fully pay" in the submission process for publication costs. Select Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen or the University Hospital Tübingen from the drop down menu.

Royal Society of Chemistry

Pure Open Access journals:
Based on the existing contract, the corresponding authors of the institution publish unrestricted free of charge in the pure Open Access journals. Centralized billing to the University Library, you will not receive individual billing downstream. 

Hybrid journals: 
For corresponding authors of the institution choosing the Open Access option does not affect the costs - you will not be charged.

Please submit with your university email address, otherwise your article cannot be assigned to our contract.

Royal Society of London

Pure Open Access journals:
Based on the existing contract, the corresponding authors of the institution publish unrestricted free of charge in the pure Open Access journals. Centralized billing to the University Library, you will not receive individual billing downstream. 

Hybrid journals: 
For corresponding authors of the institution choosing the Open Access option does not affect the costs - you will not be charged.


Pure Open Access Journals:
Corresponding authors of the institution receive a 20% discount on list APCs.
Individual itemized billing on the part of the publisher. Please submit publisher invoices to UB for payment.
After deducting the grant from the Open Access Publication Fund, you will be charged for the remaining costs after publication.

Hybrid journals: 
​​​​​​​For corresponding authors of the institution choosing the Open Access option does not affect the costs - you will not be charged. 

Due to our contract you always have the possibility to choose the CC-BY license!

Science Advances (AAAS)

Pure open access journal Science Advances: 
Members of the institution receive a 15% discount on list APCs at Science Advances.
Individual itemized billing on the part of the publisher. Please submit publisher invoices to UB for payment.
After deducting the subsidy from the Open Access Publication Fund, you will be charged for the remaining costs after publication.

SCOAP³-DH – High-Energy Physics

Since 2014, an international consortium led by CERN has been working to support open access in the field of high-energy physics (HEP). The University Library of Tübingen is financially involved in this project as part of an agreement between German universities.

Open Access publishing in these journals is supported at no cost for corresponding authors of the institution through the University Library’s participation at SCOAP³. You will not receive individual billing downstream:

  • Acta Physica Polonica B (APPB), Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland
  • Advances in High Energy Physics (AHEP), Hindawi
  • Chinese Physics C (CPC), IOP Publishing
  • The European Physical Journal C (EPJC), Springer Nature
  • The Journal of High Energy Physics (JHEP), Springer Nature
  • Nuclear Physics B (NPB), Elsevier
  • Physics Letters B (PLB), Elsevier
  • Physical Review C (PRC), APS
  • Physical Review D (PRD), APS
  • Physical Review Letters (PRL), APS
  • Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics (PTEP), Oxford University Press

The project is currently running in its third phase until the end of 2024.

Springer Nature / Biomed Central / Springer Open

Pure Open Access Journals:
Corresponding authors of the institution receive a discount on list APCs (capped by contract, if applicable) due to the DEAL contract.

Central APC invoicing to the University Library.

After deducting the grant from the Open Access Publication Fund, you will be charged for the remaining costs after publication.

Hybrid journals: 
For Corresponding authors of the institution, the costs for the Open Access option are covered due to the DEAL contract. 

Exception for the medical specialist journals (“Facharztzeitschriften"): non-research articles are generally not eligible, nor are invited/solicited research articles.

Nature-branded journals are not part of the contract.

The responsibility for costs lies explicitly with the institution at which the majority of the research for the article was conducted.

Taylor & Francis

Pure Open Access journals:
Corresponding authors of the institution receive a 15% discount on the list APCs.
Central APC invoicing to the University Library.
After deducting the grant from the Open Access Publication Fund, you will be charged for the remaining costs after publication.

Hybrid journals: 
For corresponding authors of the institution choosing the Open Access option does not affect the costs - you will not be charged.

The agreement between the University of Tübingen and Taylor and Trancis is not listed separately on the publisher's website, but is listed as a sub-item of the agreement with the ZBW consortium (Forum13+).


Pure open access journals:
No special conditions.

Hybrid journals: 
The choice of the open access option for journals 

  • International Journal of Sports Medicine
  • Methods of Information Medicine
  • Pharmacopsychiatry
  • Thrombosis and Haemostasis

does not affect the costs - you will not be charged any fees.


Pure Open Access Journals: 
Corresponding authors of the institution receive a 20% discount on list APCs.
Central APC invoicing to the University Library. 
After deducting the grant from the Open Access Publication Fund, you will be charged for the remaining costs after publication.

Hybrid journals:  
For Corresponding authors, the costs for the Open Access option are covered due to the DEAL contract. 

The responsibility for costs lies explicitly with the institution at which the majority of the research for the article was conducted.