Prof. Dr. Annette Leßmöllmann (KIT)
Dr. Monika Hanauska (KIT)
Institutions involved:
Department for Wissenschaftskommunikation (Karlsruher Institut of Technology)
Rhetoric Department
Cyber Valley
Communication on artificial intelligence and its exploration is shaped and transformed by topical and narrative structures. This fundamental assumption will be explored by the interdisciplinary Research Unit 1. In close cooperation with Unit 2, a total of three corpora on thematic, topical, but also fictional and figurative structures in AI discourse will be built and analyzed. These will serve as a foundation for research on specific characteristics of science communication in AI discourse. The Center itself will yield new material, e.g., by conducting focus groups, citizen conferences or online chats with scientists and pupils, which will also be incorporated and will form the basis for rhetorical and discourse-analytical research work.
In cooperation with Cyber Valley, Unit 1 also offers an in-residence-program for experienced science journalists. During the stay the journalist-in-residence gains the opportunity to learn about the basics and the frontiers in machine learning, computer vision and robotics.
Prof. Dr. Annette Leßmöllmann
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
Institut für Technikzukünfte
Department für Wissenschaftskommunikation
annette.lessmoellmannspam prevention@kit.edu