Vacancies / Job offers
Have a look at current job offers and vacancies at the Faculty of Humanities and its facilities.
W3-Professorships, Tenure Track-Professorships, Associate/Assistant Professorships
Tenure-Track Professor of Slavic Linguistics, Faculty of Humanities
The Faculty of Humanities at the University of Tübingen invites applications for the position of Tenure-Track Professor of Slavic Linguistics to commence on April 1, 2025.
A proven focus on Russian and another Slavic language, preferably from the field of Western or Southern Slavic Studies, is expected. A broad Slavic approach compatible with general linguistics and other philologies is desirable. A willingness to participate in the department's research networks is a prerequisite. Experience in acquiring third-party funding and in internationalization is an advantage.
The position has a teaching load of four hours per week prior to interim evaluation, and six hours thereafter.
Required qualifications include an outstanding doctorate in a pertinent field, as well as teaching experience.
This Tenure-Track position is subject to an interim evaluation after four years and a final evaluation after six years. If the final evaluation is positive, this professorship will be upgraded to a full (W3) professor-ship with no re-advertising of the position. Those who have completed a habilitation will be excluded.
Detailed information on this employment category and the criteria underlying the interim evaluation and promotion to the tenured position may be found in our guidelines for tenure review under the following link: There you can also find information on this employment category.
Applicants for a Tenure-Track professorship with a PhD from Tübingen must have changed universities after completing their doctorates or have worked in academia and/or research for at least two years somewhere other than the University of Tübingen.
The University of Tübingen is committed to equal opportunity, diversity and inclusion. Female scientists, in particular, are explicitly invited to apply, as are applicants from outside Germany.
Applications from equally qualified candidates with disabilities will be given preference.
General information on professorships, hiring processes, and the German academic system can be found here:
Applications including all required documents (cover letter, curriculum vitae, copies of degree docu-ments/ diplomas/ certificates, list of publications and teaching experience, research and teaching statement) as well as a selection of relevant publications (self-authored monographs and five essays) must be submitted exclusively via the university’s Appointment Portal ( by August 21, 2024. Enquiries may be directed to the Dean of the Faculty of Humanities, Prof. Dr. Di-etmar Till (
Here you can find the general quality assurance plan for assistant professorships with tenure track of the University of Tübingen.
The individual evaluation criteria for each of the positions can be found right after the respective tender offer.
As of spring 2018, the new Baden-Württemberg State Higher Education Act will include the category of Tenure Track Professorship in § 51b. Until then, the term used is "assistant professor with tenure track." Therefore it is possible for people who hold such a W1 positions to call themselves and be called tenure-track professors. The calls for applications published on this part of the website are to fill such Tenure Track Professorships. It is possible to receive supplements to the basic salary for W1 positions and, thus, also for Tenure Track professors.
W1 tt Slavic Philology/Linguistics: Evaluation criteria for the transition to W3
W1 tt Slavic Philology/Linguistics: Evaluation criteria for the transition to W3
1) Research performance
a) The writing of a second book (or of individual publications which in sum are equivalent to the research conducted in a second book). An additional publication in another field of research. At least two Slavic languages have to be covered in the publications.
b) At least one more publication is not connected to the research of the second book (or of the individual publications mentioned under a)) and also not to the topic of the dissertation.
At least two publications in high-level peer-reviewed journals or high-level edited volumes.
A journal is considered high-level if it is peer-reviewed or has high editorial standards encompassing the discipline; it must also have major national and international distribution in the respective discipline. A high-level edited volume is a collection of contributions on a subject or from a conference; such publications must have been financed in a competitive process, and the author must have been invited to take part in them.
For the interim evaluation: Proof of manuscript chapters and/or detailed work report proving that the qualification goal can be attained by the end of the assistant professorship. If no second book is prepared, the publication or acceptance for publication of at least two essays in a high-level journal or in high-level edited volumes is required for the interim evaluation.
2) Teaching across the full spectrum of the advertised position
Above-average teaching assessments. It is expected that, by the end of the assistant professorship, the spectrum of classes of all types taught (lectures, seminars, exercises/ practical work, participation in assessment) will correspond to the breadth of requirements of the subsequent W3 professorship. Topics from the areas of systems linguistics (phonetics, semantics, syntax, etc.) and an applied area (e.g. sociolinguistics, multilingualism) are mandatory.
For the interim evaluation: Above-average teaching assessments. Proof that new fields of teaching have been added.
3) Independent third-party funding initiatives (extramural)
Independent in this case means: As the sole responsible or chiefly responsible member of a project or subproject. Extramural in this case means: External third-party funding in which internal assessment processes do not play a role.
Third-party funding may include not only research projects with funded positions, but also: Obtaining your own research scholarship or similar, larger third-party payments for guest professorships/ fellowships financed for example by the German Academic Exchange Service or by the Humboldt Foundation; third-party funding for large conferences.
We expect serious applications whose quality can be assessed; in the event that unfortunate circumstances mean that all applications are rejected, this does not automatically mean that this evaluation criterium has not been met.
For the interim evaluation: Existing application or concrete plan for application
4) National and international cooperation effort
Must be documented; this may also be your own lectures/presentations, at conferences etc.
For the interim evaluation: Evidence of such cooperation, for the final evaluation: Evidence of sustained activity in this area
5) Supervision of academic theses
Supervision of MA and BA theses and supervision within the framework of the doctoral process. Up to the final evaluation, you are expected to have supervised BA and MA theses outside of your narrower research area and to have taken part in supervision of doctoral theses. Responsibility for the task of first supervisor of a doctoral process need only be proven if you, as an assistant professor, are responsible for a doctoral researcher; this doctoral process must be completed in a foreseeable time period. Otherwise, participation in doctoral supervision (examiner's report, doctoral colloquium, second supervisor) is sufficient.
For the interim evaluation: Completed BA and MA theses
6) Successful personal contribution to committees and administration in more than one area
You must show that you have the ability to successfully carry out tasks in this area independently and on your own responsibility. It is not sufficient to merely be a member of committees.
For the interim evaluation: Evidence of work in an area or concrete plans
7) Evidence of transfer activities into society
E.g.: Lecture/ publication/ project activity outside of academia, activities promoting the subject, possibly within the framework of exposure to a wider public audience. You should demonstrate that you have carried out some activity in this area and that you have the ability to work in this area.
For the interim evaluation: No concrete evidence necessary at this stage
8) Knowledge of the German language
The ability to hold courses and take on administrative tasks in German must be demonstrated. (Language level C1 is expected)
For the interim evaluation: No concrete evidence necessary at this stage
All criteria must be met. Criteria 3, 4, 6 and 7 have been met, however, if you have carried out independent, successful work in the area and that such requirements may be expected to be fulfilled within the framework of a future W3 professorship. Activities above and beyond the requirements cannot be used to compensate a lesser performance under criteria 1 and 2 under any circumstances. Broader activity is expected under criteria 2 and 5. The department is responsible for ensuring that you have enough time available for your own research work (criterion 1).
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