Department of Physics

Research at the Department of Physics

Research Brochure  "Department of Physics"

Post-Doctoral Studies ("Habilitation")

Institutes of the Department of Physics

Key facilities at the Department of Physics

Netzwork Electron Microscopy Tübingen (NET)

The Network Electron Microscopy Tübingen (NET) merges mor than 15 working groups of different innstitutes in the Tübingen area.


Elektronics in Astronomy

Clean room and dark room facilities
thin-film deposi-tion
1-m vacuum chamber with UV monochromator
climatic chamber
UHV system
100-m optical bench
80-cm telescope
2.30-m radio telescope

BioNano Laboratories

Clean room
optical & e-beam lithography
thin-film deposition
microscopy (optical, SEM, TEM, AFM, SICM, dark field, fluorescence, Raman)
spectroscopy (Raman, Auger, photo electron,mass, UV/vis, FTIR)
surface analysis
wet and dry etching
cryo-stats (variable, 4 K, 100 mK, 8 T)
UHV station for field-emitter characterization
cell culture equipment
X-ray Scattering (reflectometry, grazing-incidence scattering, small-angle scattering)

Cold Atom and Quantum Optics Laboratories

Ultracold rubidium, lithium and strontium experiments
atom-cavity systems
Rydberg setups
cold atom/solid state interface
4K and 25mK cryostats
Bose-Einstein condensates at superconductors
cold atom scanning probe microscopes
Frequency comb technology, laser, optical, interferometric, spectro-scopic measurement technologies

Core Facility LISA+ - Center for Light Matter Interaction, Sensors and Analytics

The research and service facility LISA+ is one of the three Core Facilities within the infrastructure of the University of Tübingen. LISA+was founded in 2011 and originates from the intensive cooperation of several research groups for physics and chemistry, who are sharing the existing multi disciplinary Nanostructure and Analysis Laboratory.

Particle Physics

Rosenau Accelerator: 3MV Van de Graaf, ion beams from H to C; neutron beams

RBS analysis.Underground Laboratory: shielding 16 mwe, ultra pure Ge spectrometer, dilution refrigerator (5 mK base temperature), SQUID read out array.

Dark Room Facility: PMT single-photon testing; scin-tillator testing; cryostat for optical characterization (scintillation, reflectivity, etc.) at low temperatures (down to 1.7 K); large volume (1 qm) liquid scintil-lator or water Cherenkov detector, 11 PMTs 8 inch

UNV deposition system for tungsten superconducting thin films. Custom fully-automated wafer prober, semi-auto-matic bonding station.