Excellence Strategy

Projects supported by the Platform

Theme I: Chemicals in the Environment

Finished Projects (Selection)

  • GLYMIK - Does glyphosate, a globally used and controversial herbicide, affect the gut microbiome of fish with consequences for individual vitality, immunocompetence and health? (Profs. Heinz Köhler, R. Triebskorn et al., 2020-2023, BMBF-funded) --> webpage
  • CRC 1253 „CAMPOS – Catchments as Reactors: Metabolism of Pollutant on the Landscape Scale“ is a new Collaborative Research Center for long-term multidisciplinary research (Speaker: Prof. Peter Grathwohl, 2017-2021, DFG funded)
  • Effect-Net: Effect Network in Water Research; 2015-2021, BW Water Research Network; Universities of Heidelberg, Tübingen (Prof. Rita Triebskorn, Prof. Carolin Huhn, Prof. Christian Zwiener), KIT.  Homepage
  • Untersuchung und Bewertung von Wasserproben der Jagst vom Zeitpunkt der Jagstkatastrophe 2015 (LUBW-finanziert; Prof. Christiane Zarfl)
  • DFG: DACH-Projekt „AdvectAs“ – Retardation and mobilization of As at redox fronts under advective flow conditions (Prof. Andreas Kappler, Prof. Olaf A. Cirpka, Prof. Sara Kleindienst)
  • GLOBAQUA (Managing the effects of multiple stressors on aquatic ecosystems under water scarcity): EU FP7 Project, 2014-2019; Grant. No. 603629, call ENV.2013.6.2.1; WP4 "Sediment- und Particle-related Transport": Prof. Peter Grathwohl, Dr. Hermann Rügner
  • EXPAND -Ecotoxicity of particle-associated compounds: 5 PhD Projects: (i) Sorption/Desorption of pesticides at nanoparticles, (ii) Production/characterization of nanoparticles, (iii) Effects in Fungi, (iv) Effects in Cyanobacteria, (v) Effects in Insects. – funded by the Excellence Initiative, Coordination: Profs. Stefan Haderlein, Heinz Köhler. Homepage

Theme II: Biosphere-Geosphere Interactions (incl. TERRA)

Finished Projects (Selection)

  • SPP 1803 "Earthshape - Earth Surface Shaping by Biota" is a 6-year priority program (Speaker: Prof. Todd Ehlers, Tübingen, DFG-funded 2016-2022)
  • DRIeR: Drought impacts, processes and resilience: making the invisible visible; 2015-2021, BW Water Research Network Baden-Württemberg; Universities of Freiburg, Tübingen (Prof. Katja Tielbörger), Heidelberg. Info

Theme III: Sustainable Management of Natural Resources

Finished Projects (Selection)

  • Comparative climate change policy analysis in two regions in California (USA) and Baden-Württemberg. Dr. Melanie Nagel, Institut für Politikwissenschaften & Profs. Christine Jocoy and Lily House-Peters, California State University (2021-2022, internal funding)
  • Nachhaltige Entwicklung der Welterbestätte „Höhlen und Eiszeitkunst der Schwäbischen Alb“ – Umsetzung der Ziele der Agenda 2030 (2021-2022, in cooperation with the Competence Centre for Sustainable Development: Prof. Thomas Potthast, Dr. Diana Grundmann, internal funding)
  • Überwachung natürlicher CO2-Emissionen unter Verwendung eines Netzwerks aus low-cost Sensoren (2018-2021, DFG-gefördert; 2015-2017, Alfred Teufel Stiftung; Yann Büchau, Dr. Carsten Leven, Prof. Jens Bange)
  • Sustainable open pit mining in groundwater protection areas (Partners: ISTE, ASG and LUBW; 2016-2018; Industry-/State-funded; Prof. Olaf A. Cirpka)

Related active research projects (Selection)

  • PFClean - Innovatives modular System for sustainable reduction of PFAS from soil & groundwater: BMBF-Lurch; University of Tübingen, University of Stuttgart (VEGAS), TZW Karlsruhe, Arcadis Karlsruhe, Geiger Entsorgung Waltenhofen, Sax+Klee Mannheim, Industrie Engineering Reutlingen, Ch. Zwiener et al., 2023-2026
  • Water and Solute Fluxes and their Structural Controls at Margins of Floodplain Aquifers: DFG; University of Tübingen, together with Helmholtz Centre for Einvironmental Research, UFZ; O. Cirpka, C. Leven, P. Dietrich; 2023-2025
  • Creating Climate Change Collaboration (4C) Baden-Württemberg - California State University (CSU): Exchange Programme for Researchers (2019-2025: Travel grants for reserachers; funded by the State of Baden-Württemberg and the CSU; Coordination: Jaishankar Raman, Nick Ebner & Hermann Rügner)
  • Sustainable plant protection transition (SPRINT). EU Horizon 2020; University of Hohenheim together with University of Tübingen; E. Kandeler, C. Poll, P. Mäder, F. Stache, F. Ditterich, C. Huhn; 2021 - 2025
  • BCF Screen: Entwicklung und Publikation eines BCF-Screening Indikators (bioaccumulation concentration factors); K. Peschke, R. Triebskorn, H. Köhler, in collaboration with UBA, Berlin; financed by UBA, 2022-2023
  • Research Unit FOR5095 “Pollutant – Antibiotic Resistance – Pathogen Interactions in a Changing Wastewater Irrigation System” (C. Zarfl et al.; DFG, 2021-2024)
  • Climate change and land suitability assessment for arid and semi-arid regions (Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung: Georg Forster Research Fellow: Dr. Kamal Nabiollahi, University of Kurdistan, Thomas Scholten); 2023-2025