Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences

Top News / Calls for Proposals

On this page, the WiSo Faculty publishes selected events and announcements for those interested in a doctorate, doctoral students and post-doctoral students.

Applications for funding under the State Postgraduate Fellowship Programme (Landesgraduiertenförderung) 

The application deadline for the current call has expired. The next call for applications with funding starting in April 2026 will probably be available here from October/November 2025.
General information can be found here: https://uni-tuebingen.de/en/9101

German Thesis Award

The Körber Stiftung presents the German Thesis Award to the best doctoral graduates in Germany from all disciplines. In addition to academic excellence, the Award primarily focuses on the broader social relevance of a particular piece of research. As such, the award encourages young scientists to highlight the value of their research to society and to discuss their work in public. Prizes totalling more than € 100,000 are awarded for significant and innovative research, including three top prizes of € 25,000 each. This makes the German Thesis Award one of the most highly endowed prizes awarded to young scientists in the country.
More information can be found here.