- Proposal for a Cluster of Excellence TERRA (Terrestrial Geo-Biosphere Interactions in a Changing World) submitted. TERRA is about the interaction between diversity and stability in the geosphere and the biosphere. It aims to develop an integrated understanding of how geo-biosphere interactions in terrestrial systems induce and respond to environmental changes.
- MUSTEIN: Modeling and Understanding Spatiotemporal Environmental Interactions (Machine Learning Innovation funds; M. Butz, C. Zarfl, T. Scholten et al.)
- Adaptations to climate change - increasing water retention, soil stability and CO2 sequestration in forest soils by mosses (BMBF-funded: FNR Waldklimafonds, 2022-2025; Dr. S. Seitz et al. University of Tübingen, City of Tübingen (Stadtwald), ForstBW, Hummel Pflanzenbau, Stuttgart)
- Soil-plant interactions and stoichiometry (SP2); in FOR 891: Multi-Trophic Interactions in a Forest Biodiversity Experiment in China, Coordinated by University of Freiburg (DFG, Yvonne Oelmann, Thomas Scholten, Steffen Seitz, 2023-2026; see: https://multitroph.com/)
Finished Projects (Selection)
- SPP 1803 "Earthshape - Earth Surface Shaping by Biota" is a 6-year priority program (Speaker: Prof. Todd Ehlers, Tübingen, DFG-funded 2016-2022)
- DRIeR: Drought impacts, processes and resilience: making the invisible visible; 2015-2021, BW Water Research Network Baden-Württemberg; Universities of Freiburg, Tübingen (Prof. Katja Tielbörger), Heidelberg. Info