University Library

Barrier-Free Access to the University Library

Main Building

You can access the upper floors of the main building (“Hauptgebäude”) using the elevator/lift to the right of the main entrance (access inside the building).


There is also a direct entrance to the Ammerbau on the other side of the Ammer River that you can use Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 6.30 p.m. Reach it by going along the paved path which runs from the Keplerstrasse, past the multi-storey car park (Brunnenstrasse Car Park) and the library’s Ammerbau and on to the Wilhelmstrasse. There is a doorbell and an intercom system at the door and an elevator/lift close by the entrance, inside the building. There is also a handicapped parking space next to the Ammerbau.


Unfortunately, there are areas in the University Library that are difficult or impossible for persons with walking disabilities to access due to the building situation (such as the revolving door). Also for visually impaired persons, orientation in the buildings can be difficult without a guidance system. 

In both cases, please contact the information desk (: +49 7071 29-72846) if necessary. Wheelchair users or students with severe walking difficulties can obtain a key for the passageway next to the revolving door from the University Library administration semesterly.

Rest and working room

A rest and work room is available in the Ammerbau on level 3 (A321) for students with disabilities or a (chronic) illness.


Handicapped accessible restrooms are located on the first floor of the main building and in the Ammerbau on levels 3, 4, and 5. You can obtain the corresponding Euro key at the counter in the circulation center and at the information desk in the Ammerbau.

Barrier-free guided tours

Individuals can book an accessible tour of the University Library at any time. Please contact us.


Long-term lockers are reserved for students with disabilities in the university library's foyer. They are assigned on a semester basis via the University Library's secretary's office ("Sekretariat", main building, 2nd floor).

Please contact them if you need one:
Telephone: (+49) 07071 29-72577

Lending / Returning

You will find a wheelchair-accessible self-check-in machine for home lending in the lending center. The return can be done during opening hours at the counter in the lending center. The return box next to the main entrance can also be used by wheelchair users outside the opening hours of the UB.

Borrowing Rules

If you hold a disability card ("Schwerbehindertenausweis") you can qualify for extended loan periods.

Please contact the circulation desk ("Ausleihzentrum") for more information: : +49 7071 29-72579

Screen reader

In the quiet and work room A 321 in the Ammerbau , level 3, you can use a screen reader with magnification and reading function. You can get the device and the room key at the information desk Ammerbau from 8-18.30 h on presentation of your student ID. It is also possible to borrow the device outside the university (lectures, seminars, etc.) for an agreed period of time. Please contact the information desk.

Portable induction unit

There is a small induction device for hearing-impaired library users at the Ammerbau information desk. If required, the device can also be issued for internal UB events/guided tours/workshops.


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