University Library

Workshops, Consultations and Guided Tours

The University Library offers you a wide range of guided tours, consulting services and training courses. Among other things, you can take part in research training, literature management training, or even an e-learning course on information literacy. Many courses take place online. Some topics can be worked through independently via the self-study portal.


The University Library offers a varierty of workshops, which might be helpful during your studies. Have a look through our self-study modules and courses such as How to Cite Properly, How to Find Literature in Catalogues, Databases and Academic Search Engines and Regular Expressions.


We offer consultations on literature research and literature management and help you with technical questions. In addition, we support you in publishing your work as well as in the related copyright aspects.

Guided tours

We offer a 90-minute guided tour in english of the library in groups of 10 people each. Requirements are mask obligation and distance regulation.

Alternatively, you can watch a short video walk (in german) through our university library.


Transdisciplinary Course Program

The University Library offers two courses in the "Interdisziplinäre Kompetenz und Basiswissen" learning area of the Transdisciplinary Course Program:

Information Literacy Online

You have the opportunity to participate in an one-semester e-learning course on information literacy held in german. The topics are:

Library introduction, information research, dealing with databases, literature management and literature acquisition and organization of learning processes.
This course is creditable toward the Data Literacy certificate certificate in the "Information Literacy" elective.

Group booking

Book a workshop from our training course program for groups with at least five participants (venue: University Library)


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