University Library
Bibliometric Services

Carrying out bibliometric analyses

The University Library carries out the following bibliometric analyses:

  • Compilation of bibliometric key figures on the basis of “Web of Science” for institutes and scientists
  • Identification of excellent researchers at the university, e.g. for the awarding of research prizes and funding, as well as support for decisions in appointment procedures
  • Publication-based cooperation and network analyses

Individual advice

The University Library provides individual advice on bibliometric analyses for you as a researcher at the university.

Training courses on this topic: please refer to the courses offered by the Medical Library

What is a bibliometric analysis?

Bibliometrics uses quantitative analyses of publications to evaluate the scientific performance of individuals and institutions.
Bibliometric analyses can be used to make statements on the following aspects:

  • Rank of a researcher in the respective subject area
  • Impact of journals
  • Resonance and impact of a particular publication

In addition, bibliometric analyses are also used for the following purposes:

  • Decision support for institutions in resource allocation and personnel matters
  • Benchmarking of a particular institution or geographical unit.

Make sure that you can be clearly identified as an author and that all your publications can be attributed to you.
The best way to do this is to use the ORCID ID.
ORCID is the de facto standard for author identification in the scientific community.

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