University Library


The database contains over 12,000 portraits from the holdings of the Tübingen University Library, the Tübingen university archive and the graphic collection of the Institute of Art History. The portraits date from the 16th to 20th century.
Most are prints on paper, but there are also silhouettes, drawings and photographs. Focuses of the collection include portraits of European rulers and artists, as well as those of scholars and students.

Another core collection is portraits of individuals with links to Tübingen and with a regional focus on Baden-Württemberg.
Each individual portrait has its specific history as a collection item and as a functional object. For instance, the portraits originate from either private or public contexts.
The portrait database arose from a digitization project with funding from the foundation Stiftung Kulturgut Baden-Württemberg that was concluded in 2012. New items are constantly being added.
The regional online information system Landeskunde entdecken online (LEO-BW) has further digital offerings drawing on the collections of archives, libraries and museums.

Image database/order form

Portraits are provided via the TOBIAS-bild image database of the University of Tübingen. Please select “Portraitsammlung” in the “Ressourcen” drop-down list.
Portraits that are in the University of Tübingen’s collection can be downloaded as JPEG files for free either for teaching or research or for private use.
Using our order form you can order images from the portrait collections of the University of Tübingen at a resolution of 400 dpi as a TIFF file for a fee.


Product Price
TIFF file, 400 dpi € 0.50 per file (min. € 2.50)
Delivery as CD/DVD (plus P&P) € 2.50
Delivery as download link € 2.50


The portraits are indexed under a system that includes all the important metadata. This includes: title (subject’s name), artist/engraver/photographer, provenance, date, subject (with biographical data), PND-ID (Name Authority File of subject), inventor, place of publishing, publisher/printer, technique, material/image carrier, watermarks, dimensions, dedication/inscription, description, key words, school, inventory number, etc. If a portrait originates from a book and this can be identified, the publication is also noted.
Relevant reference material and online databases are checked when indexing the portraits and recorded in the fields ‘Werkverz.-Nr.’ (catalog raisonné reference number) and ‘Literatur’ (literature).

Terms of use

By registering to use the TOBIAS-bild image database you accept the terms of use, which can be read here.

Use of free image holdings at the University Library

Use of images for commercial purposes such as the publication of books, performances or further use in media is subject to approval. If you have any questions about use of images from University Library holdings, please contact the Manuscript Department.

Use of free image holdings at the University Archive

Use of images for commercial purposes such as the publication of books, performances or further use in media is subject to approval. If you have any questions please contact the university archive directly.

Use of images from paintings in the Tübingen gallery of professors

Please contact the Graphic Collection at the Institute of Art History concerning questions about use of images.

Pictures from the portrait collections

Publicly accessible image holdings that are in the University of Tübingen’s collection can be downloaded as JPEG files for free either for teaching or research or for private use.

You can order higher resolution TIFF files for the above purposes using our order form.

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