University Library


As well as its printed works, Tübingen University Library also offers books in electronic form. Authorized users [Berechtigte Nutzer] can read them online and download them if the publisher permits. In most cases these are e-books in PDF format, which you can access via the provider’s website once you have logged in.

There is usually no fixed lending period for any e-books borrowed from us, i.e. once you have downloaded the PDF file it remains on your computer.

The e-books on offer are licensed by the University Library for all members of the university and – within limits – for external users as well. In addition to this there are e-book collections that are licensed throughout Germany by the German Research Foundation (DFG) under ‘national licenses’.

All available e-books are listed individually in our Katalog plus and may be found there.

For more information:


Are you unable to access an e-book? Our introductory video will help!

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