University Library

Semester apparatuses located in Institutes

Conditions for the provision of books from the holdings of the University Library for semester apparatuses in institutes:

  • The books must be under supervision in the institute library
  • Further lending is not permitted
  • The books must be accessible to all users of the university library if necessary, even if they are not participants in the course
  • Form: Application for the establishment of a semester apparatus

Please submit the application no later than 4 weeks before the beginning of the semester and name a responsible supervisor for the apparatus to the UB.

Tasks of the supervisor:

  • Preparation of the bibliography with UB signature (please send as a file by e-mail)
  • Submission of the request at the main counter of the Circulation Desk in Wilhelmstraße or in the Branch Library of Natural Sciences
  • Picking up the books
  • Checking that the books are properly placed and used in the institute
  • Punctual return of the books at the agreed time


You can get an overview of all semester apparatuses that are available in our Bestell-Catalog - please click in the grey menu on "Semesterapparate" and select "in Instituten".

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