University Library


The international document delivery service 'Subito' offers you delivery of books and articles from a library you choose directly to your home address.

This offer is subject to a charge. The prices start from 5,00 EUR. You can order articles as well as books. For articles you can choose delivery via internet, by post or fax. Books are always sent by post. They have to be sent back to the lending library by post after the end of the loan period. You carry the costs of the return postage.

There are 3 different groups of customers

Die Preise sind entsprechend unterschiedlich. Zusätzlich können Sie zwischen Normaldienst (Bearbeitung Ihrer Bestellung innerhalb von drei Arbeitstagen) und Eildienst (Bearbeitung innerhalb von 24 Stunden) wählen. Sollte eine Bestellung nicht ausführbar sein, erhalten Sie eine Nachricht per Email.

The prices differ between these groups. In addition, you can choose between normal service (handling of your order between 1-3 working days) and urgent service (handling within 24 hours). You will be informed by email if an order cannot be fulfilled.

Subito - Ordering articles and books

Please note:

If you order a book from the Tübingen University library you agree automatically to the "Benutzungsordnung" and the "Bibliotheksgebührenordnung" of the University of Tübingen.

Don't forget:

We still offer the conventional interlibrary loan where you can order books and articles which we do not have in stock. Also you can order books and articles from our collection via interlibrary loan at your home library.

Please direct your enquiries to:

Abteilung Dokumentlieferung / Fernleihe
Universitätsbibliothek Tübingen, Postfach 2620, 72016 Tübingen
Tel: +49 7071/29-72833

Fax: +49 7071/29-2833

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