University Library

Fees & Fines

Cashless payment of library fees

The payment of library fees in the University Library (Wilhelmstraße) and in the Branch Library Natural Sciences (Auf der Morgenstelle) is now no longer possible using cash.

  • University Library (Wilhelmstraße)

You can pay at a self-service terminal in the Lending Center using your rechargeable user card or you can pay the fees by bank transfer.
You can recharge your user card with money on the ground floor at the terminals to the back of the locker room and also at the cafeteria checkout.

  • Branch Library Natural Sciences (Auf der Morgenstelle)

You can pay at the Information Desk in the library using your rechargeable user card or you can pay the fees by bank transfer.
In the Lecture Hall Center Auf der Morgenstelle, terminals to recharge your card are located at the copy station opposite the Branch Library.
Charging with cash is not possible on Morgenstelle.

Using the University Library is free of charge.

Exception to this rule are fees for interlibrary loan, document delivery and other services as well as overdue fines and fines for reminders. For futher details please consult the

These are courtesy translations of the legally binding Rahmenbenutzungsordnung und Ausführungsbestimmungen zur Rahmenbenutzungsordnung des Bibliothekssystems der Universität Tübingen.

Interlibrary loan (ILL)

For each order you will be charged 1,50 € regardless of whether the ILL request is successfull or not.

Late fees

for exceeding the loan period (fees apply per volume or borrowed unit):

1st late payment fee: overdue up to 7 days 1.50 Euro
2nd late payment fee: 8-14 days 6.50 Euro
3rd late payment fee: 14-21 days 16.50 Euro
4th late payment fee: more than 21 days 26.50 Euro

Late fees arise purely from exceeding the due date without a reminder letter!

Compensation for damages

Please see §8 Bibliotheksgebührenordnung der Universität Tübingen. (Courtesy translation: Statute on the levying of library fees at the University of Tübingen)

Library card

A library card for an external library user costs a one-time fee of 10 €.
A replacement card costs 15 €.

Bank details for the University Library

(not for the Medizin-Bibliothek or institute libraries)

Remittee: Universitätskasse, KSK Tübingen

IBAN: DE13 6415 0020 0000 0130 04


Reference: 810 000 0058 / (ID) card number*

Remittee: Universitätskasse, BW-Bank Tübingen

IBAN: DE24 6005 0101 7477 5036 14


Reference: 810 000 0058 / (ID) card number*

You can choose one of these two bank accounts.

*Please add your (ID) card number to the reference 810 000 0058. Members of the University will find it on their students / University ID card, external users on their library card. This number is needed to assign the payment correctly to your account.


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