University Library

Open access shelves

The open access shelves are situated in the Ammerbau on level 4, 5 and 6.

If the media you wish to borrow is shelved in the Ammerbau you will see the following after clicking on "Show availability" in the catalogue:

[Standort] UB-Ammerbau Ebene 4, 5 or 6.

[Verfügbarkeit] direkt ausleihbar

If you see [Verfügbarkeit] z.Zt entliehen, bitte vormerken you can reserve the media.

Please note: The books in this area are not sorted by subject but by call number (e.g. 30 A 1, 34 A 527, 40 A 9836). Follow the signs displayed on the end of the shelves, then follow the book numbers until you reach the number you require.

When you found the media you were looking for take it to the issue desk along with your library card. It then will be booked immediately to your library account.

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