2nd Place in Sport Management Case Study Competition
On 9 December 2019, the final round of the sport management case study competition took place at the Haus des Sports (Frankfurt am Main) in cooperation with the German Olympic Academy (DOA).
In the case study competition, Master students in the M.Sc. Sport Management program in Tübingen (Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Tim Pawlowski) competed against teams of students from several other universities including Mainz and Leipzig as well as the German Sport University Cologne and the Heilbronn University of Applied Sciences. The best teams from each university were invited to take part in the final round.
The task in the final round was to analyze the reasons why the Rhine-Ruhr region in Germany should apply for hosting the Summer Universiade 2025. The jury was made up by renowned experts including Jörg Förster (Allgemeiner Deutscher Hochschulsportverband (adh) chairman of the board), Johanna Becker (adh board member), Annegret Korff (Federal Ministry of the Interior, Head of Major Sporting Events), Bernhard Schwank (State Chancellery NRW, Head of Sports Department), Stefan Klos (CEO PROPROJEKT) and Michael Schirp (German Olympic Sports Confederation (DOSB), Deputy Head Media Division). The students from Tübingen, Miriam Herbstritt, Annika Schiffner, Marius Schmid, and Felix Sedlacek, convinced the jury with their concept and achieved an excellent second place.