Master Students ranked 1st in Sport Management Case Study Competition
22.12.2020 - At the beginning of December 2020, the final round of the sport management case study competition took place in cooperation with the German Olympic Academy (DOA) and PROPROJEKT.
In the case study competition, Master students of the M.Sc. Sport Management program in Tübingen (lecturers: Felix Otto und Dr. Ute Schüttoff) competed against teams of sport management students from several other universities including Mainz, Bayreuth, and Leipzig as well as the Heilbronn University of Applied Sciences. The best teams from each university were invited to take part in the final round.
The task for the final round was to develop a PR campaign in order to generate support amongst the German population for hosting major sporting events. The jury was made up by renowned experts including Jörg Förster (Allgemeiner Deutscher Hochschulsportverband (adh), Chairman of the Board), Christian Alfs (PROPROJEKT, Project Director Sports Economics), Boris Mende (Federal Ministry of the Interior, Department Major Sporting Events), and Maria Bogner (Head of Olympic Study Centre, IOC, Lausanne).
The Institute of Sports Science congratulates Linus Aufleger, Felix Meyer, Claudia Santangelo, and Niklas Wolf for achieving an excellent first place.