Institute of Sports Science

Dr. Svenja Wachsmuth

Institute of Sports Science
Wilhelmstraße 124,
1st floor, Room 101
  07071 29-72656
Consultation Times (PDF)

Main research

  • Sport coaching, e.g., coach-athlete relationships, communication and conflict management, coaching strategies for youth development
  • Talent research in sport, e.g., social and organizational dynamics in talent development environment, psychological diagnostics, career pathways in sport
  • Intervention research, e.g. development and evaluation of coach development initiatives

Short vita

Since 2020
Junior Research Group Leader „Sport Psychology and Coaching“

Institute of Sport Science, Eberhard Karls University Tübingen/Germany

Since 2019
Sport psychology consultant within the National Paralympic Committee GER

e.g. National Youth Development Squad Paralympic Table Tennis

Since 2018
Postdoctoral researcher for sport psychology

Institute of Sport Science, Eberhard Karls University Tübingen/Germany

PhD on "Interpersonal Conflict in Sport: From Theory to Practice"

Supervision: Prof. Sophia Jowett & Prof. Chris Harwood, SSEHS, Loughborough University, UK

European Master of Sport and Exercise Psychology (MSc Sport Psychology, MSc Sport Diagnostics and Intervention)

University of Jyväskylä, Finland/Leipzig University, Germany

Bachelor of Science, Psychology

University of Regensburg, Germany

Selected publications

Journal articles

  • Wachsmuth, S., Hauser, L.-L., Gierens, F.C., Wolf, S.A., Hermann, H.-D., & Höner, O. (2025). Examining players’ perceived social support across organizational levels and its links to holistic talent development outcomes in German football youth academies. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 76, 102756,
  • Davis, L., Wachsmuth, S., Jowett, S., Räisänen, P., Hajo, K., Nordberg, & Sommer, M. (2024). Exploring the Perceived Barriers of Effective Communication Within the Coach–Athlete Relationship: A Sample of Scandinavian Coaches and Athletes. International Sport Coaching Journal,
  • John, J., Wachsmuth, S., & Thiel, A. (2024). A Qualitative Study on the Relation Between Health and Performance Throughout the Career Pathways of Elite Athletes, Musicians, and Mathematicians. Sport, Exercise and Performance Psychology,
  • Hauser, L.L., Höner, O., & Wachsmuth, S. (2024). The environmental influence on the development of elite youth athletes: A cross-sectional study within the German talent pathway. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 71.
  • Bergmann, F., Wachsmuth, S., & Callary, B. (2023). International Council for Coaching Excellence (ICCE) 14th Global Coach Conference. International Sport Coaching Journal, 10 (Supplement I).
  • Wachsmuth, S., Feichtinger, P., Bartley, J., & Höner, O. (2023). Psychological characteristics and future success: A prospective study examining youth soccer players at different stages within the German talent development pathway. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology.
  • Hauser, L.-L., O'Connor, D., Harwood, C. G., Höner, O., & Wachsmuth, S. (2022). Talent Development Environments within Sports: A Scoping Review examining Functional and Dysfunctional Environmental Features. International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology.  
  • Wachsmuth, S., Raabe, J., Readdy, T., Dugandzic, D., & Höner, O. (2022). Evaluating a Multiplier Approach to Coach Education Within the German Football Association’s Talent Development Program: An Example of an Intervention Study Targeting Need-Supportive Coaching. International Sport Coaching Journal, 9(3), 305-318.   
  • Wachsmuth, S., Jowett, S., & Harwood, C. G. (2022). Third party interventions in coach-athlete conflict: Can sport psychology practitioners offer the necessary support? Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 34(1), 178-203.  
  • Bergmann, F., Gray, R., Wachsmuth, S., & Höner, O. (2021). Perceptual-Motor and Perceptual-Cognitive Skill Acquisition in Soccer: A Systematic Review on the Influence of Practice Design and Coaching Behavior. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 5470.
  • Wachsmuth, S., Jowett, S., & Harwood, C. (2018). Managing interpersonal conflict in coach-athlete relationships. Sport, Exercise and Performance Psychology, 7, 371-391.
  • Wachsmuth, S., Jowett, S., & Harwood, C. (2018). On understanding the nature of interpersonal conflict between coaches and athletes. Journal of Sport Science, 36;1955-1962.
  • Wachsmuth, S., Jowett, S., & Harwood, C. (2017). Conflict among athletes and their coaches: What is the theory and research so far? International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 10, 84-107.

Book chapters and other publications

  • Harwood, C.G., Johnston, J., & Wachsmuth, S. (2024). Positive Youth Development and Talent Development: Embracing Dual Intentions in a Multi-layered Environment.  In N. Holt (Ed.) Positive Youth Development through Sport (3rd edition). Routledge.
  • Wachsmuth, S. & Dieffenbach, K. (2024). Coach-athlete communication and conflict. In L. Davis, S. Jowett and R. Keegan (Eds.) Social Psychology in Sport (2nd Edition). Human Kinetics.
  • Jowett, S. & Wachsmuth, S. (2020). Power in women artistic gymnastics’ coach-athlete relationships. In R. Kerr, N. Barker-Ruchti, C. Stewart and G. Kerr (Eds.) Women’s artistic gymnastics: socio-cultural perspectives. Routledge.
  • Wachsmuth, S., & Jowett, S. (2020). Conflict and communication in coach–-athlete relationships. In D. Hackfort & R. J. Schinke (Eds.) The Routledge International Encyclopedia of Sport and Exercise Psychology: Volume 2: Applied and Practical Measures (chapter 14). Routledge: London.
  • Wachsmuth, S., Weise, M., Jowett, S., & Höner, O. (2021). Die Trainer-Athlet Beziehung: Grundstein zum Erfolg? Leistungssport, 1, 5-11.

Functions and memberships

  • PhD Supervision:
    • Fee Carolin Gierens
    • Lars-Luca Hauser
    • Fynn Bergmann
    • Marcel Bieschke
  • Professional Engagement:
    • Associate Editor Case Studies in Sport and Exercise Psychology
    • Editorial Board Member Journal of Applied Sport Psychology
    • Advisory Board Member Journal of Applied Sport and Exercise Psychology
    • 2015-2021: MC member of the European Network of Young Specialists in Sport Psychology (ENYSSP)

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