Faculty of Humanities

Athene Mentoring for female students and scholars

The Athene Mentoring is a mentoring program for female students and academic staff across all facutlties at the University of Tuebingen. Each faculty can adapt the program for their specific needs.

At the Faculty of Humanities the Athene Mentoring program was launched in the winter semester 2021/22 and continues ever since.

Are you interested to participate in the program as mentor or mentee? With the start of the winter semester 2023/24 the Athene Mentoring Program will start with a new round of session. Starting today applications can be handed in until Nov 30, 2023. Please fill in the application form and submit it by email to mentoring.philospam prevention@gleichstellung.uni-tuebingen.de.

You can find further information about mentorship in this fact sheet.


What is the Athene Mentoring all about?

The Athene Mentoring is tailored to encourage women to pursue their academic qualification goals. It is designed not only for women with potential careers in research and teaching at universities but also for women who are aiming at a career in other fields than science.

Oftentimes it is not easy to decide if one should pursue an academic title like master, PhD or professorship. Sometimes it is unclear if the academic career will lead to useful and acceptable degrees for jobs outside of science. Sometimes it is difficult to balance qualifications and working at the university with the personal plan to start a family. Sometimes the lack of self confidence generally keeps women from trying to pursue academic work. In the Athene Mentoring the mentor has already reached the next qualification level and can support the mentee in her next steps and help answer questions. That means a master student will coach a bachelor student mentee, PhD students will coach master student mentees all the way up to professors choaching postdoc researchers.

Is this going to be just an exchange of experience?

More than that! The idea is to provide the mentees with individual support for their career development. Also, relevant qualification for the respective research field and the highlighting of issues especially for women in the scientific system will be part of the program.

The mentors will receive a special training upfront to be a qualified coaching partner for the different topics: the general situation of women in the scientific system at universities, career planning, compatibility of career and family life, time management, self representation and rhetoric etc, Additionally the mentors will refer mentees to other appropriate facilities like the project coordination, the equality office or other advisory offices whenever they cannot answer the mentees‘ questions.

Since this is voluntary work there will be no compensation. Nonetheless, the mentor will profit from building a network and additional offers through the program. All participants will receive a certificate at the end of their involvement.

Is this program only meant for women?

The Athene mentoring program is meant for women and people who identify as women. For higher qualified women, for example postdoc mentees, the mentoring can be offered by a so called mentoring tandem, consisting of a man and a woman. But that is only by request and in case enough male mentors will participate.

Is the Athene Mentoring a kind of individual coaching program?

Yes and no. On each level of qualification a group mentoring within the faculty will be assembled with up to five mentees. Depending on how many mentees from which subject fields and qualification levels will participate there can be one-to-one mentoring in addition.

Can I be a mentor and mentee at the same time?

Yes, that is no issue. On the contrary, the program is designed as a cascading mentoring where mentees often are mentors at the same time. This way a network of mentees and mentors across all qualification levels will develop, from bachelor student to professor.

How much time do I need to invest if I participate in this program?

It is very important that this mentoring activity is compatible with studies, reserach and work at the university. Therefore the mentor and mentees decide together how often they can meet. We recommend a meeting every four to eight weeks.

Can I receive a certificate for my participation in the Athene mentoring program?

You can obtain a certificate for your participation in the Athene mentoring program anytime. In order to receive a certificate, message us through the following email gleichstellungsbuerospam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de and tell us since when you participate in the program, until when the certificate is needed and whether you wish to get a digital or physical version of your certificate. Please keep in mind that it may be faster to send you a digital version than a physical one through postal services.

Where and until when can I sign up for this program?

You can apply for the program until November 30, 2023 by filling out this application form and sending it to mentoring.philospam prevention@gleichstellung.uni-tuebingen.de. If you are unable to participate on that day, please feel free to contact us via the address above so that we can figure out a solution together.
We are looking forward to your registration!

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