Faculty of Humanities

Public Engagement & Transfer

Local Public Engagement

In recent years, the University of Tübingen, together with the state of Baden-Württemberg, a number of federal German research institutions, as well as national and international corporations, have invested massively in AI research. This growing investment in AI research on a local level has created a local conflict: while the city administration and the city council welcome the investments in AI research that have led to the Cyber Valley Initiative, an alliance against Cyber Valley rejects the increased cooperation between University and industry. According to the argumentation of these opponents, the influence of international companies on Cyber Valley would have a devastating effect on the freedom of research.

In this thoroughly heated climate between proponents and opponents of AI research, Tübingen represents an “experimental field” for exploring and evaluating the rhetorical conditions of science communication. This would not only provide a framework for debating about the possibilities and risks of the application of artificial intelligence technologies but will also strengthen the public’s knowledge about processes and procedures of AI research. With Public Engagement formats, the RHET AI Center wants to open discursive spaces on topics of AI research, acting as an intermediary between scientific specialists, communication research, and possible regional practice partners.

You can find news and current events here.

Cyber Valley Journalist-in-Residence Programme

What exactly does the buzzword »artificial intelligence« mean? And what are the implications of machine learning and neural networks?

Good science journalism has the opportunity to update outdated ideas and provide orientation on recent as well as emerging risks and opportunities. At the same time, machine learning applications in particular are useful for big data research, visualization, and pattern recognition. These applications can help journalists to find their way in the digitalized (science) world and to improve science journalism. For both challenges, RHET AI Center offers the »Cyber Valley Journalist-in-Residence Program«.

In the creative freedom of three to six paid months, (science) journalists can research a self-chosen issue in exchange with AI researchers from different disciplines. During their stay, journalists-in-residence not only have the opportunity to learn about the basics, possibilities and limits of machine learning, computer vision and robotics. They will also be able to establish their own network with researchers and various institutions working on AI and its impact on science, business and society.

How to apply?

Interested media representatives can apply via email to Cyber Valley Public Engagement Manager Patrick Klügel by February 15, 2022 with a cover letter, resume, and idea paper. The two-page idea paper illustrates which journalistic challenge is to be solved during the stay with regard to the topic of AI or with the help of AI. The selection decision will be made by a jury by early March 2022.

Further information on the call for applications and the process of the Cyber Valley Journalist-in-Residence program is summarized in this document (in German).

Nationwide school projects

RHET AI Center, together with its practice partner Science in Dialogue (WiD), will promote the fundamental understanding of the future field of AI in Germany through participatory formats of exchange. As they will be massively confronted with AI technology in the future, it seems in this context absolutely necessary to focus on school students.

Two nationwide school projects are initiated at the RHET AI Center to introduce students to the scientific as well as societal dimensions of AI and to allow them to deal competently with AI technologies.

I’m a Scientist: AI Edition

I’m a Scientist is an online, student-led STEM enrichment activity. It connects school students with AI researchers through energetic real-time text based chats.

Junior AI Cafés

Junior AI Cafés are discussion groups organized by students with experts from the field of AI research. The focus is on the young people’s own initiative: they research, organize and make important decisions.


The RHET AI Center will disseminate results consciously and transparently into the research community: through conferences and research papers as well as through active exchange in the network of stakeholders.

Twitter: @ai_rhet

A particular focus will be on communication at the interfaces between local public engagement formats and social media channels such as Twitter, YouTube and Instagram. We will gradually use these platforms to open up and continue the center’s exchange between researchers, science communicators, and target groups in the public sphere.