Faculty of Science



PhD Position (m/f/d, TV-L E 13, 65 %)

Department of Geosciences, Institute of Geography

Application deadline: 20.03.2023

For a DFG-funded research project investigating the evolution of local pathways to the Fluvial Anthroposphere and the underlying socio-ecological processes during the medieval and pre-industrial modern periods, we invite applications for a

PhD Position (Soil Science/Physical Geography)

(Start date 1st May 2023, 36 months, 65 %, salary: pay grade E 13 TV-L).

The position of a PhD is embedded in the research project “Local pathways to the Fluvial Anthroposphere at Echaz (Rhine) and Eger (Danube). A comparative analysis from c. AD 1100 to 1800” in the context of the newly established Priority Programme 2361On the Way to the Fluvial Anthroposphere”. Floodplains in Central Europe are subject to massive human influences, which had already led to significant ecological changes in the pre-industrial era. The main goal of the doctoral project is the interpretation of geo-biochemical marker analyses from fluvial sediment archives for the comparative reconstruction of different land uses in the floodplains of Echaz and Eger. The study will be conducted within an interdisciplinary team comprising experts from soil science, geomorphology, history and archaeology.

Your tasks will be to conduct fieldwork in the study areas in close cooperation with the Leipzig University and the Helmholtz Centre of Environmental Research (UFZ, Leipzig). Together you will organise and conduct direct push and vibra-coring campaigns in both floodplains as well as sediment/soil sampling and be responsible for geoscientific GIS data management and the geoscientific interpretation of maps and remote sensing data. In particular, you will be responsible for all laboratory analyses (C, N, δ15C and δ13N) in Tübingen and the marker analyses (enzymes, PAH and faecal biomarkers) with the cooperation partners at the Universities Hohenheim and Bayreuth. Together with the entire research group, you will contribute to the project results and publish them in peer-reviewed relevant interdisciplinary journals.

You are qualified in Soil Science, Geoarchaeology, Geosciences, Physical Geography or related sciences with above-average results. You have experience in soil science/physical geography field and laboratory work, and want to deepen and expand this knowledge with archaeopedological components and are interested in cooperation with archaeology and history. The willingness to cooperate with colleagues from other disciplines and institutes is a prerequisite. Furthermore, excellent team work skills, fluency in English and German is an advantage, and a motivation to present results at international conferences are expected. A Class B driving licence is required.

You can expect a very diverse and challenging job. We offer an excellent, interdisciplinary and dynamic research environment in an international team (http://www.uni-tuebingen.de/soilscience) and a vibrant city (https://www.tuebingen.de/en/). You are trained in interdisciplinary methods, conduct joint fieldwork and attend training events.

Tübingen is a beautiful place to live, combining a historic and venerable flair with the liveliness of a young and cosmopolitan student town. Reconciling work and family life is of particular concern to our university, and we offer a working environment that promotes this. The Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen aims to increase the share of women in research and encourage female scientists to apply. Severely disabled applicants will receive preference over equally qualified nondisabled applicants.

Please send your application (one single pdf-formatted document) with detailed curriculum vitae, and statement of research interests, certificates/transcripts by 20 March 2023 to Margaretha Baur (margaretha.baurspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de). For more information, contact Dr. Peter Kühn (peter.kuehnspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de).

