Faculty of Science

For prospective students and pupils

Detailed information on the individual courses of study (e.g. starting dates, numerus clausus, etc.) can be obtained from the University of Tübingen´s course database page, from the subject advisors and from the University´s Central Student Advosory Service. Information on university admission for vacationally qualified persons without a school-based university entrance qualification can be found on the pages of the Division for Study Affairs.

You can also use the online self test as an orientation aid in the study jungle.

MINT taster week for pupils

The Tübingen MINT taster week takes place every year during the fall break and is aimed at high school students.

This year, the MINT taster week offers the opportunity to get in-depth information about the fields of study chemistry, biochemistry, nano-science, computer science, cognitive science, mathematics and physics. The event is organized by the dean's office of our faculty together with the scientists of the participating subjects.

The taster week 2022 will take place from 31.10. to 04.11.2022 (Tuesday, 1.11: holiday All Saints' Day). Students as well as scientists offer you the opportunity to participate in lectures, laboratory tours and experiments. The opportunity for personal conversations is also given.

Registration is required. Registration is open from Oct. 1 to Oct. 24, 2022. If more applications are received for a subject than there are available places, the time of receipt of the application will decide.

If you have any questions, please contact  Sandra Maute
07071 29-76166
Dekanatsverwaltung, B-Bau, Ebene 10, Raum 10A26; Auf der Morgenstelle 8, 72076 Tübingen 

Orientation day (Studieninfotag)

Every year in November, an orientation day is held at the University of Tübingen for interested pupils. On the Orientation day, the structure of the study programs at the University of Tübingen is explained to interested students. During the events, there will be sample lectures, laboratory tours and much more for the students. Pupils can talk to students, professors and staff from the student advisory service.

All events are held in German.

BOGY: Vocational and study orientation at German Gymnasium

The Faculty of Sciences at the University of Tübingen supports the process of career and study orientation at general secondary schools in Baden-Württemberg.

The following subjects offer the possibility of a one-week BOGY internship for 10th grade pupils. If you are interested, it is advisable to contact the respective person in charge in good time. 

Trial study natural sciences (Schnupperstudium Naturwissenschaften)

Is it the same for you: Natural sciences are really exciting - but what does a course of study actually look like? Is it right for me? The taster study program at the University of Tübingen offers a small insight into the study of natural sciences. In selected events, mostly in the first year of study, you can experience the subject, lecturers and students "live".

The courses of the first year of study can be found in the corresponding section of the event directory "alma". For more information and the current program of the University of Tübingen, please visit the website of the General Study Counseling Service.


Study orientation test

In Baden-Württemberg, there is an obligation to provide proof of participation in a study orientation process with matriculation (enrollment) in an undergraduate degree program. Use the self-assessment to gain an insight into the degree programs at the University of Tübingen and find out which degree program suits you best:

  •     Is studying even the right thing for me?
  •     Which degree programs suit me?
  •     Do I meet the requirements of the fields of study?
  •     What do you study in the degree programs?

On the BW² – Beispielaufgaben aus dem Studium platform, you will find numerous assignments for some MNF degree programs (e.g., geography, computer science, mathematics, pharmacy, physics) in which you can earn a first university degree. For each degree program, there is an introductory page with basic information. Then you get to the sample assignments. The contents are selected to give an insight into the main topics and methods of the respective course of study. Feedback or further explanations are provided for solving the individual tasks.

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