Faculty of Science

News aus der Fakultät


Open postdoctoral position in observational stellar astrophysics

The Institute for Astronomy & Astrophysics of the University of Tübingen (IAAT) offers a…

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SFB 1101, 9.2.23, 13:00, Lecture Hall N4, Holger Puchta, Karlsruhe

Applying CRISPR/Cas to Plants: From Gene Editing to Chromosome and Tissue Engineering.

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Rammler T, Wackenhut F, Rapp J, zur Oven-Krockhaus S, Forchhammer K, Meixner AJ, Harter K (2023).

Analysis of fast fluorescence kinetics of a single cyanobacterium trapped in an optical microcavity.…

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Wang J, Xi L, Wu XN, König S, Rohr L, Neumann T, Harter K, Schulze WX (2022).

PEP7 is a ligand fort he receptor kinase SIRK1 to regulate aquaporins and root growth. Molecular…

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Mutige Theorien und viel Kleinarbeit

Tübinger Förderpreis für Ältere Urgeschichte und Quartärökologie zeichnet Archäologin Briana Doering…

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PhD position (m/f/d, TV-L 13, 65 %)

Faculty of Science, Department of Geoscience

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