Faculty of Science

News aus der Fakultät


SFB 1101, Thursday, February 7th 2019, 13:00, Lecture hall N4, Morgenstelle 16

Sigal Savaldi-Goldstein, Israel, Title will be announced.

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Zwei Consolidator Grants des Europäischen Forschungsrats gehen an Tübinger Forschende

Die Biochemikerin Ana Jesus García-Saéz erforscht den programmierten Zelltod; der Biologe Eric Kemen…

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New European Funding for research on apoptosis

IFIB Professor Ana Garcia receives ERC Consolidator Grant for APOSITE Project

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SFB 1101, Thursday, December 6th 2018, 13:00, Lecture hall N4, Morgenstelle 16

Rüdiger Simon, Düsseldorf, "How intertwined receptor kinase signalling pathway shape a meristem"

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DFG-Projekt von Prof. Janczyk und Prof. Ulrich (Arbeitsbereiche Kognition und Handlung, Kognition und Wahrnehmung)

Revealing mechanisms underlying backward crosstalk effects in multitasking

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SFB 1101, Thursday, November 29th 2018, 13:00, Lecture hall N4, Morgenstelle 16

Laurent Noel, LIPM Toulouse, "Hydatodes, enigmatic plant organs infectet by vascular pathogens"

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SFB 1101, Thursday, November 22th 2018, 13:00, Lecture hall N4, Morgenstelle 16

Moritz Nowack, Ghent, "Things to do before you die - The regulation of developmental programmed…

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