Institute of Media Studies

PD Dr. Nils S. Borchers

Dr Nils Borchers is a research associate at the chair of Prof. Guido Zurstiege

Universität Tübingen
Institut für Medienwissenschaft
Wilhelmstr. 50
72074 Tübingen

+49 7071 29-72361

Office hours during the semester

  • during term: Thursday, 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 a.m., please make an appointment via email
  • during term breaks: by arrangement, please make an appointment via email 

Curriculum Vitae

Born 1982 in Lübeck, Germany. Studies in communication, Scandinavian culture and literature, psychology and Baltic culture and literature at Christian-Albrechts Universität, Kiel, Germany, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Germany and Stockholms universitetet, Sweden. Magister Artium at Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster in 2009.

March till August 2009 Project Manager at NGO Eiropas Kustība Latvijā (European Movement, Latvia), Riga. October 2009 till August 2010 research associate at Department of Communication Studies, Münster U. September 2010 till June 2016 research associate at Department of Media and Communication Studies, Mannheim U (chair of Prof. Dr. Matthias Kohring). Dissertation in 2014 with a work on advertising communication. July 2016 till January 2020 research associate in Strategic Communication at Institute of Communication and Media Studies, Leipzig U (chair of Prof. Dr. Ansgar Zerfaß). Since February 2020 research associate in Empirical Media Studies at Institute of Media Studies, Tübingen U (chair of Prof. Dr. Guido Zurstiege). 

Research interestst: strategic communication, digital communication (esp. peer-to-peer communication: online reviews, sharing economy, social media influencers) Kommunikation, Digitale Kommunikation (insb. Peer-Kommunikation: Online-Bewertungen, Sharing Economy, Influencer-Kommunikation), critical communication research, communication theory.

Practical experience in the fields of NGO, PR, public affairs & lobbying, local journalism, and radio journalism.

Further activities in media studies

Most important publications

  • Borchers, N. S. (2023). To eat the cake and have it, too: How marketers control influencer conduct within a paradigm of letting go. Social Media + Society. Advance online publication.
  • Borchers, N. S., & Enke, N. (2022). “I've never seen a client say: ‘Tell the influencer not to label this as sponsored’”: An exploration into influencer industry ethics. Public Relations Review, 48(5), 102235.
  • Enke, N., & Borchers, N. S. (2019). Social media influencers in strategic communication: A conceptual framework of strategic social media influencer communication. International Journal of Strategic Communication, 13(4), 261-277.
  • Borchers, N. S. (2014). Werbekommunikation: Entwurf einer kommunikationswissen­schaftlichen Theorie der Werbung [Advertising Communication: A Communications theory of advertising]. Wiesbaden: SpringerVS. [dissertation]

Complete publication list as pdf-file

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