Institute of Media Studies


Of course, the media itself is a good place to find information on the media. The experts at the Institute of Media Studies are frequently contacted by editorial departments all over the world with questions on a wide range of media subjects or asking for contributions. You will find a selection of their essays, interviews, radio contributions and TV appearances here.

"Media Lecture with Ulrich Deppendorf" – 12.06.2013

Article in the Reutlinger Generalanzeiger on the 10th Tübingen Media Lecture with Ulrich Deppendorf, chief editor of the ARD studio in Berlin.

“Stadtgeschichte in Bildern“ – 14.11.2012

Article in the Stuttgarter Zeitung about the exhibition to and the publication of Kleinfeldt. Fotografien 1920-2010.

“Premiere Lotte Reiniger – Tanz der Schatten“ 25.07.2012

Article in the Schwäbisches Tagblatt on the occaison of the Premiere of the movie "Lotte Reiniger – Tanz der Schatten" in the cinema Museum in Tübingen.

„Media lecture with Hans Leyendecker“ ­26.06.2012

Article in the Stuttgarter Zeitung and the Reutlinger Generalanzeiger on the 9th Tübigen Media Lecture with Hans Leyendecker of the Süddeutsche Zeitung.

"Causa Wulff is an example of a text book" ­– 06.01.2012

An Interview on ntv: Bernhard Pörksen on the Federal President's scandal and crisis management.

"Talk and show. The state of journalism and the art of the interview." 2012

Article in the Reutlinger Generalanzeiger on the lecture by Roger Willemsen. <link fileadmin uni_tuebingen fakultaeten philosophie philosophie_rhetorik_medien inst_fuer_medienwissenschaft dokumente pressespiegel herunterladen des artikels>Article

"Media lectureship 2011 with Dr. Frank Schirrmacher" 02.07.2011

Press review of the eighth media lectureship with Dr. Frank Schirrmacher: Süddeutsche Zeitung, Schwäbisches Tagblatt, Reutlinger Generalanzeiger and Südwest Presse.

"The future of the media - the media of the future" 2011

Radio contributions by M.A. students on the subject of "The future of the media - the media of the future" were produced in a media lectureship 2011 workshop. The contributions were broadcast on SWR4: Contribution 1, Contribution 2.

"The Net makes everyone the centre of attention" ­– 02.07.2011

An interview in the Schwäbische Zeitung with media scientist Hanne Detel on scandal in the digital age.

"The art of idioms" 03.03.2011

Media scientist Prof. Dr. Jürg Häusermann discusses phraseologisms and their use with 20 Minuten.

"He's in a media straitjacket" 01.03.2011

The plagiarism scandal involving Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg – media scientist Prof. Dr. Bernhard Pörksen in conversation with Meedia.

"Extremely slow anti-journalism" 14.10.2010

A Zeit-Interview with media scientist Prof. Dr. Bernhard Pörksen on the research project "die Casting-Gesellschaft".

"Internet makes the first impression" 2010

Media and advertising researcher Prof. Dr. Guido Zurstiege on the Internet appearance of universities in an interview with the Schwäbischen Tagblatt.

"Society in a surfeit of attention" 25.08.2010

An essay by media scientist Prof. Dr. Bernhard Pörksen and Dr. Wolfgang Krischke on "Society in a surfeit of attention", published in the FAZ.

"How a major advertising agency strategically approaches the new media diversity" 07.07.2010

Students on an excursion – a report in the Schwäbischen Tagblatt on the media studies visit to the Hamburg advertising agency Jung von Matt.

"Scandal" 28.05.2010

A Chrismon-Essay by media scientist Prof. Dr. Bernhard Pörksen on the dynamics of outrage in the media society and a "scandal didactic".

"The shining hour of enlightening journalism" 19.05.2010

A meedia-Interview with media scientist Prof. Dr. Bernhard Pörksen on the scandal of misuse – and the "Shining hour of enlightening journalism".

"Charisma in politics"22.04.2010

Media scientist Prof. Dr. Jürg Häusermann on Deutschlandfunk on the meaning of staging and charisma in a democratic society..

"Espionage instead of research" – 20.01.2010

A TV-Interview with media scientist Prof. Dr. Bernhard Pörksen on controversial research methods in people journalism.

"I made the best out of playing a bimbo" 20.01.07

Hanne Detel, Maria Kirady and Annika Giese in conversation with Verona Pooth on playing with her image. Preprint of the book "Medienmenschen" in the Hamburger Abendblatt.