Faculty of Humanities

How to successfully meet academic standards

The Faculty of Humanities contributes to the statewide program "Strukturmodelle in der Studieneingangsphase" that is designed to help student's transition from school life to their university life. Therefore, the Faculty of Humanities focusses on early advising as a key to academic success.

The one-year-long pilot phase started during summer semester 2017 in the following subjects: German Studies, Latin, Philosophy and Romance Studies (Spanish & French). In the future this program will be advanced extended to further subjects.

The concept of early advising is structured to support students to overcome roadblocks, which may occur during transition from school to university, such as organizational skills and academic expectations.

The goal of this program is to assist students in mastering these skills and finding early success during their initial semesters at the university level.

The Faculty of Humanities strives to achieve two main goals:

  1. Identifying and addressing students at risk at an early stage, who are confronted with subject-specific challenges or seem to lack certain academic skills.
  2. Developing advising networks, which are designed to address subject-related challenges and also focusing on general academic competencies.

Strong collaboration between the head of the project and the lecturers of the introductory classes along with a systematic analysis of student data and examination scores ensure identification of those students, who will benefit the most from this specialized advising program.

Subject-specific projects:

Head of Project

Prof. Dr. Wiltrud Mihatsch

Project advisor

Daria Jansen, faculty manager (academic affairs)

Uwe Meyerdirks, faculty manager (academic affairs)

Examination office ("Prüfungsamt")

Dr. Eckhard Sauer, Head of Examination office

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