Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences

Interdisciplinary research network UnKUT

UnKUT stands for "Undisciplined Knowledge at the University of Tübingen" and is a research network established at the University of Tübingen in 2017. Its purpose is to link scholars engaged in qualitative, cultural research in different departments and institutions across the university.

UnKUT includes sociologists, anthropologists, and historians and regularly invites scholars from other disciplines, such as American Studies or Islamic Studies, to share ongoing research.

Participants meet regularly, holding two sessions per semester, each with two slots. Additionally, they organize an annual retreat, and sometimes also a writing retreat, where they engage in in-depth discussions on current research and writing projects. Topics as varied as urban diversity and migration, the sociology and anthropology of moralities, the cultural history of alcohol consumption, the good life, and more are among the many interests they share with each other.

An essential aspect of UnKUT is the reciprocal exchange of ideas and research among participants. If you are interested in joining the UnKUT colloquiums and discussions or wish to present your work in progress to a group of engaged scholars, please contact us: Paul.Schreiberspam prevention@ipu-berlin.de (Paul Robert Schreiber, coordinator).

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