Fachbereich Geowissenschaften

Qualification Programme

The training and qualification programme of the RTG "Integrated Hydrosystem Modelling" merges German and Canadian standards in research qualification and training. Core elements apart from course enrollment are:

Joint Supervision of PhD Candidates

By a senior researcher and a junior researcher at a German university and a Canadian faculty member. In a milestone presentation after the first year, the research programme of the individual PhD candidate is formally agreed upon.

Research Visits at Partner Institutions

In total minimum 6 months

Spring / Fall Schools

1-3-week block courses, hold at the University of Waterloo (UW) or at the University of Tübingen (UT), with the topics:

Fall School (October)
Introduction into HydroGeoSphere (UW)
Reactive transport modelling (UT)
Stochastic hydrogeology (UT)
Spring School (April)
Graduate hydrogeology field course (UW)
Land-surface processes (UT)
Soft-Skill Courses

In project management, scientific writing, etc., offered by the Graduate Academy of the University of Tübingen

Advanced Courses, offered by the Participating Universities
  • Courses belonging to regular graduate programmes
  • One-time courses offered by the Teach@Tübingen programme
  • Courses offered by the Stuttgart Research Centre for Simulation Technology at the University of Stuttgart
  • Block courses and summer schools offered by other institutions
  • RTG / CAMPOS - Hydrosystem Seminar (mandatory)
  • GeoEnviron Seminar (mandatory)
  • Seminars of the respective Working Groups
Visiting Scientists Programme

Invitation of external specialists for presentations, short courses, or seminars and discussion with PhD candidates

"Integrated Hydrosystem Modelling" Conferences

The "Integrated Hydrosystem Modelling" conferences are organised to give a comprehensive overview of the accomplishments within the RTG. Two conferences already took place. The final conference will take place in 2021.


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