Neuronale Informationsverarbeitung


Who is financing our research?

As a research group at a publicly financed University we take part in public debates with our expertise. Independence, impartiality and the constitutionally mandated freedom of research and teaching are prerequisites for this role of ours. This page provides information on who is financing our research.

Personal Income

Felix Wichmann is a full-time tenured public servant of the state of Baden-Württemberg. He does not receive any income or other financial contributions from any cooperation, business or for profit organisation.

Financing of our Chair’s research

Research costs money: To stay internationally competitive for the best ideas and brightest minds we retain significant technical infrastructure. The largest budget item, however, are the salaries of postdocs and doctoral students (which, in the German academic system, are employees). Attracting and ensuring the necessary funding is one task of the Chair. The Wichmann-lab was involved in the acquisition of the following small and large-scale grants, and its research has received financial support from the following funding agencies, either through grants or ad-hominem scholarships. We thank all of the listed institutions for their trust and generosity. By the way: Research funding is not payed directly to the Professor, but managed for us by the central financial administration of the University.

Base Funding


The State Ministry of Research and Arts of Baden-Württemberg provides us with an endowment. This includes investment funds, running expenses and the salaries of several research associates and the secretary. 

Funding of the German Research Foundation (DFG)


DFG Project SFB1233, Project C2, Early visual processing in the presence of eye movements—benchmarking of active early vision with Prof. Hafed, Dr. Kümmerer, and Dr. Schwarz


DFG Project SFB1233, Project INF, Software, methods and computational tools to evaluate computational models of vision with Prof. Berens, Prof. Bethge, Dr. Eggensperger, and Prof. Macke


DFG Project SFB1233, Teilprojekt 4, Causal inference strategies in human vision with Prof. Bethge and Prof. Schölkopf


PI in SP3 of the Network Project “Compositionality in Minds and Machines” within the Cluster of Excellence EXC 2064: Machine Learning: New Perspectives for Science of the Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen and the MPI für Intelligente Systeme.


Innovation Fund Project within the Cluster of Excellence EXC 2064: Machine Learning: New Perspectives for Science of the Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen and the MPI für Intelligente Systeme.


PI of the Cluster of Excellence EXC 2064: Machine Learning: New Perspectives for Science of the Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen and the MPI für Intelligente Systeme.


DFG Project WI2103/4-3, Die Integration von früher Sehverarbeitung, Salienzmodellen und Blicksteuerung: Experimente, Modellierung und räumliche Statistik with Prof. Engbert


DFG Project SFB1233, Teilprojekt 6, Top-down control of visual inference in sensory representations in early visual cortex with Dr. Nienborg and Dr. Macke


DFG Project SFB1233, Teilprojekt 4, Causal inference strategies in human vision with Prof. Schölkopf


Principal Investigator of the DFG SFB 1233 Robust Vision


DFG Project WI2103/4-1, Die Integration von früher Sehverarbeitung, Salienzmodellen und Blicksteuerung: Experimente, Modellierung und räumliche Statistik with Prof. Engbert


Principal Investigator of the DFG GRK 1598 Sensory Computation in Neural Systems


DFG Project FR2854/1-1, Untersuchung der Variabilität von Wahrnehmungsprozessen durch Kombination von Signalentdeckungstheorie und Redaktionszeit with Dr. Fründ


DFG Project WI2103/1, Wahrnehmung natürlicher Szenen with Prof. Gegenfurtner

Federal Funding


Member of the IKT 2020 "Graduate Training Center Machine Learning” in Tübingen funded by the BMBF.


Principal Investigator of the Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience Tübingen, Project Neural Information Processing, BMBF Förderkennzeichen 01 GQ 1002A.


Principal Investigator of the Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience Berlin. Project B3 Perceptual Stability in the Face of Input Variability: Machine Learning of Critical Features with Prof. Engbert, BMBF Förderkennzeichen 01 GQ 1001B


Principal Investigator of the Bernstein Focus Neurotechnology Berlin. Project A4 Rapid brain-guided recognition of objects in broadband sensor data with Prof. Obermayer and Dr. Lüschow, BMBF Förderkennzeichen 01 GQ 0850


Principal Investigator of the Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience Berlin. Project A6 Modelling of Cognitive Processes, BMBF Förderkennzeichen 01 GQ 0414

Miscellaneous Funding Sources


BBVA Foundation Programme Grant with Dr. Marcelo Bertalmío (Madrid) and Prof. Dr. Jesus Malo (Valencia) on Harnessing Vision Science to Overcome the Critical Limitations of Artificial Neural Networks.


SMARTSTART 2, Joint Training Program in Computational Neuroscience, funded by the Bernstein Network as well as the Volkswagen Stiftung and awarded to Jan Lause.


Promotionsstipendium nach dem Landesgraduiertenförderungsgesetz (LGFG) awarded to Bernhard Lang


Graduate Training Centre of Neuroscience (GTC) / International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS) for Cognitive and Systems Neuroscience. Bridging fund for a doctoral position at the GTC Tübingen awarded to Bernhard Lang


Faculty Member of the International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS) for Intelligent Systems. The IMPRS is run by the Max-Planck-Institut for Intelligente Systems together with the Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen as well as the Universität Stuttgart


Graduate Training Centre of Neuroscience (GTC) / International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS) for Cognitive and Systems Neuroscience. Bridging fund for a doctoral position at the GTC Tübingen awarded to Johanna Salu.


Investitions- und Infrastrukturfonds of the Universität Tübingen for a number of GPU compute servers with Prof.’s Bringmann, Butz, Grust, Lensch, Schilling and Zell.


Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
Postdoctoral research stipend awarded to Dr. Tom Wallis


Fund for Scientific-Research-Flanders (FWO) Visiting Fellowship


Fellowship by Examination, Magdalen College, Oxford


Wellcome Trust Mathematical Biology Studentship


Jubilee Scholarship, St. Hugh's College, Oxford


Scholar of the Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes


Scholar of University College, Oxford


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