Neuronale Informationsverarbeitung

Summer Term 2023

VL Psychophysics & Non-invasive Methods (MSc)

– GTC only –

The Vision Sciences are an interdisciplinary field, with researchers having diverse backgrounds from psychology, biology, or medicine to physics, computer science and engineering. Analysing and designing experiments in the Vision Sciences thus requires knowledge straddling the typical boundaries of many disciplines.

All necessary information you can find here:

Day, time & location:
Thursdays from 12:15 till 13:45, starting on April 20th, 2023
location:Crona clinics AND Lehr- und Lerngebäude/DocLab, Elfriede-Aulhorn-Str. 10 (see timetable)

Date, time & location of exam:
Thursday, July 27th, 2023, 16:00 - 17:45
online exam with ILIAS, location:  HS 036 Brechtbau

Seminar Sensory Psychology: Theories of Vision (MSc)

Please also register for the course in ALMA!
All necessary information you can find here:

Day, time & location:
Mondays from 10:15 till 11:45, starting on April 24th, 2023
Lecture room: Maria-von-Linden-Str. 6, ground floor

VL Cognitive Modeling (MSc)

Please also register for the course in ALMA!
All necessary information you can find here:

Day, time & location:
Tuesdays from 8:30 till 12:00, starting on April 18th, 2023
Location: HS 4329 (Alte Frauenklinik)

Date, time & location of exam:
Tuesday, 01.08.2023, 8:15 - 10:00
online exam with ILIAS, location: HS 25, Kupferbau

VL Angewandte Statistik II (MSc)

Alle notwendigen Informationen finden Sie hier:

Tag, Uhrzeit und Ort der Veranstaltung:
Mittwochs, 14:15-16:00 und 16:15-18:00
Start: Mittwoch, 19. April 2023
Ort: Sand 6/7, Raum F119

Klausurdatum und -ort:
Mittwoch, 09.08.2023,  Sand 6/7, Raum F119


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