Institut für Astronomie & Astrophysik

Astronomie - Aktuell


Postdoctoral Position

The Institute for Astronomy & Astrophysics offers a postdoctoral position in the area of observational stellar astrophysics within a new research group led by B. Stelzer.

The Institute for Astronomy & Astrophysics of the University of Tübingen (IAAT) offers a

postdoctoral position (E13 TV-­L)

in the area of observational stellar astrophysics within a new research group led by B. Stelzer. The main scientific activity of the group is the formation and evolution of low-­‐mass stars and brown dwarfs with focus on protostellar disks and accretion/outflows, magnetic activity and rotation. We conduct multi-­‐wavelength observations from the radio to the X-­‐ray band using ground-­‐ and space-­‐based instrumentation including top-­‐level facilities such as ESO/VLT, XMM-­‐ Newton, Chandra, K2, VLA and Gaia. We participate in the future space missions eROSITA and Athena.

The IAAT presents a stimulating research environment, with research groups working on a variety of topics in theoretical, computational and observational astrophysics. The successful candidate will be involved in international collaborations and will be encouraged to participate in science teams of future astrophysical observing facilities. The applicant must have a PhD degree in astronomy or astrophysics and should have gained expertise in one or more of the scientific areas of the research group and its associated observing techniques (X-­‐ray data analysis, optical spectroscopy/photometry, radio data analysis).

The appointment will be for an initial period of 2 years with a possible extension of 1 year. Salary will be according to grade E13 of the TV-­‐L of the German public services. The application is expected to consist of a CV, publication list and brief (max. 2 pages) statement of previous research experience and current research interests. Two letters of recommendation should be arranged by the applicant to be sent separately to the email-­‐address given below. Review of applications will start on March 15, 2017 and continue until the position is filled. The position is available immediately and the starting date as soon as possible.

The University of Tübingen wishes to enhance the share of women employed in research and teaching. In case of equal qualification preference will be given to applicants with disabilities

Contact for application and further information:

<link internal-link internal link in current>Beate Stelzer (<link mail window for sending>

The responsability for the employment lies with the administration of the University of Tübingen.

