The Tyrosine-sulfated peptide receptors PSKR1 and PSY1R modify Arabidopsis immunity to biotrophic…
Thoughts on Sec14-like nanoreactors and phosphoinositide signaling. Adv Biol Regul, 52:115-21
- CANCELLED!!!! - “Understanding of subspecific reproductive isolation in rice”
“A blueprint for cellulose synthesis in higher plants”
Friday, September 21st, 1:15 pm Lecture hall N11, Auf der Morgenstelle 3
Contamination Risks in Work with Synthetic Peptides: flg22 as an Example of a Pirate in Commercial…
Chimeric FLS2 receptors reveal the basis for differential flagellin perception in Arabidopsis and…
Tackling Drought Stress: RECEPTOR-LIKE KINASES Present New Approaches. Plant Cell. 2012…
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