Institut für die Kulturen des Alten Orients

Royal Inscriptions (Texts 1-10)

(1) Brick

CT XXI, pl. 3, No. 90015 (copy); D.R. Frayne, RIME 3/2, 69-71 (edition).

The British Museum collection database has several photographs of BM 90015 as well as a detailed physical description of the brick. A duplicate of this inscription is BM 90014 a brick from Uruk with the added distinction of a dog's paw print on the front.

(2) Clay nail

YOS IX 14 (copy); D.O. Edzard, RIME 3/1, 113 (edition).
No photographs of this inscription have been published.

(3) Brick

CT XXI, pl. 2, No. 90009 (copy); D.R. Frayne, RIME 3/2, 25f. (edition).

See the British Museum collection database for a large black and white photograph of BM 90009.
Please note that this inscription has many duplicates. The following are photographically represented in the British Museum collection database: BM 90797, BM 114232, BM 114242, and BM 114248.

(4) Brick

VS I 22, VA 57 (copy); D.O. Edzard, RIME 3/1, 156 (edition).

This brick was lost and could not be found in the Vorderasiatisches Museum Berlin.

RA 47 (1953) p. 83 fig. 1 is a duplicate of this text written on a stone tablet.

(5) Brick

CT XXI, pl. 36, No. 90289 (copy); D.O. Edzard, RIME 3/1, 154f. (edition).

See the British Museum collection database for a photo (BM 90289) of this inscription.

Alternatively, AO 375 is a duplicate thereof. It is published in E. de Sarzec, DC II, pl. 37 no. 5.

(6) Brick

CT XXI, pl. 37, No. 90288 (copy); D.O. Edzard, RIME 3/1, 120f. (edition).
No photographs of this inscription have been published.

(7) Brick

OIP 14 33 (copy); D.O. Edzard, RIME 3/1, 135f. (edition).

A duplicate of this inscription is published in E. de Sarzec, DC II, pl. 37 no. 7.

For many more duplicates see Steible, FAOS 9/1, S. 304-311. Among them for example a dedicatory cone (BM 19528).

(8) Brick

VS I 23, VA 3129 (copy); D.O. Edzard, RIME 3/1, 141f. (edition).

This brick could not be found in the storerooms of the Vorderasiatisches Museum Berlin.

A duplicate of this inscription is published in E. de Sarzec, DC II, pl. 38 (AO 26671), another is BM 96945.

(9) Brick

VS I 21, VA 55 (copy); D.O. Edzard, RIME 3/1, 130f. (edition).

This brick could not be found in the storerooms of the Vorderasiatisches Museum Berlin.

A duplicate of this inscription is found in E. de Sarzec, DC II, pl. 37 no. 4.

(10) Stone tablet

FT II, pl. XXXIX, TG 2429 (copy); D.O. Edzard, RIME 3/1, 109f. (edition).

There is no photograph of IM 18647 / TG 2429 but photographs of a duplicate can be found in R. Merhav, "A glimpse into the past. The Joseph Ternbach collection", Jerusalem, 1981, S. 48 Nr. 25.


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