Media Anthropology
The seminar Media Anthropology was led by Gulzat Baialieva in Winter Semester 2021-2022. It offered an anthropological approach to study media production and consumption not only as a product but as a social “process”. The course examined how the media depicts reality by looking at the materiality and the performativity of media, its tools and genre. Students had an opportunity to analyse past and present, theory and practice, construction of dominant discourses to examine how people engage with new social media. The main learning objectives were to get acquainted with the main concepts and questions of media that were fundamental in the past century (cultural industry, ideology, propaganda, public sphere) as well as to explore the global age of new media (Twitter, Instagram, Tiktok, Facebook, Youtube and others). Students engaged not only with multimedia (photo, audio, video) and social media platforms but also reflected on up-to-date media practices.
Race & Representation in Post Apartheid Media
Digital Media in saving languages from extinction
Internet and "incel" communities.
Movies, representation and investigative media ethnography
Indigenous media and media consumption
How to avoid the process of othering? Six things to look out for when consuming indigenous media.
Naomi Luederitz
Media sovereignty
Movies as entertainment industry
Nollywood: An African entertainment industry.
Moritz Werner
The Participation of Media in War