What else does the Center do besides tutoring?
Workshop "Student Hermeneutics"
Ellie Wegener held a workshop titled “Student Hermeneutics” on Academic Literacy
Schreib-Peer-Tutor*innen Konferenz (SPTK), Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
Conference title: “Diversität im Schreibzentrumskontext”. Our tutors Fabian Güvenc and Julia Klumbach held a workshop on ChatGPT in the writing center context.
16. Tübinger Schreibwoche
Fabian Güvenc, Vincent Fix and Julia Klumbach held a workshop titled "ChatGPT in Academic Writing"
13. Lange Nacht der aufgeschobenen Hausarbeiten
15. Tübinger Schreibwoche
Robin Edds and Rebecca Tari held a workshop titled "When Should I Use 'I'? Personal Pronouns in Academic Writing"
Ana Cointiou and Emma Barbeaux held a workshop titled "Free Writing in Academic English"
12. Lange Nacht der aufgeschobenen Hausarbeiten
EWCA Conference, University of Graz, Austria
Conference title: "Writing Centers as Spaces of Empowerment"
The RWC and one of our tutors presented on "Fostering Academic Literacy in the Writing Center" (Shawn Raisig and Lisa Landreh).
14. Tübinger Schreibwoche
Rebecca Tari and Fabian Güvenc held a workshop titled "Gender-Inclusive Language in Academic Writing"
11. Lange Nacht der aufgeschobenen Hausarbeiten (online)
Digitale Tübinger Schreibwoche
Lisa Landreh held a workshop on "English Academic Writing for First-Year Students".
12. Tübinger Schreibwoche
Kuan-Chun Chen and Hannah Herrera held a workshop on "English in Formal Communication".
Eva Marik and Ruth Shoo held a workshop called "English Grammar Crash Course".
11. Tübinger Schreibwoche
Kuan-Chun Chen and Oduma Tom Adelio held a workshop on "Academic Writing in English".
9. Tübinger Schreibwoche
Anna Skene-Hill, Petra Sonntag, and Sarah Scholte held a workshop on "Academic Writing in English".
10. Schreib-Peer-Tutor*innen Konferenz (SPTK), Uni Köln
Conference title: "Von der Rolle? Schluss mit dem Theather! - Rollen(konflikte) in der Peer-Schreibberatung". Our tutors Hannah, Anna, and Petra held a workshop on "Familiarity vs. Authority - A Grand Tutor Toolbox".
8. Tübinger Schreibwoche
Our tutors Anna Skene-Hill and Petra Sonntag attended the event and provided a workshop for their peers on "Academic Writing in English".
9th biennial EATAW Conference, London
Tutors Cornelius and Anna attended the conference titled: "Academic Writing Now: Policy, Pedagogy and Practice". The conference allowed teachers of academic writing from all over the world to come and discuss and exchange ideas, particularly allowing the chance to think about the international and cultural aspects of academic writing. Cornelius spoke on "Competing Traditions of Undergraduate Writing", while Anna spoke on "Anonymity and Identity".
6. Lange Nacht der aufgeschobenen Hausarbeiten
9. Schreib-Peer-Tutor*innen Konferenz (SPTK), PH Freiburg
Our director and four of our tutors attended the conference at the PH Freiburg. The conference title this year was"Tatsächliche Beratungsbedarfe gemeinsam ermitteln - Mit Ratsuchenden, Lehrenden und der Institution kommunizieren". Participants from universities across Germany, Austria and Switzerland got a chance to exchange experiences, discuss theoretical concepts and generate possible solutions to existing problems within the peer-peer-context.
5. Lange Nacht der aufgeschobenen Hausarbeiten
4. Tübinger Schreibwoche
Three of our tutors contributed to the event by organising workshops on "Academic Style" (Cordula Jeszke, Konstantin Krechting) and "Quellenarbeit" (Leonie Kirchhoff).
8th biennial EATAW Conference, Technological University Tallinn, Estonia
Conference title: "Academic Writing in Multiple Scholarly, Socio-Cultural, Instructional and Disciplinary Contexts: Challenges and Perspectives". Three tutors also gave presentations on "Online Videos as a Tool for Writing Instruction" (Cordula Jeszke, Petra Sonntag) and "Self-Efficacy and Motivation” (Cordula Jeszke, Leonie Kirchhoff).
4. Lange Nacht der aufgeschobenen Hausarbeiten
EWCA Conference, Europa Universität Viadrina, Frankfurt a.d. Oder
Members of the RWC team traveled to Frankfurt a.d. Oder to attend the conference and gave presentations and workshops on the following topics: “What Is a What? Finding Common Terminology in Academic Terminology” (Shawn Raisig, Jan-Moritz Mildenberger, Nicole Poppe), “Integrating Sources into Your Text” (Shawn Raisig, Dzifa Voda (director of the Schreibzentrum Uni Nürnberg)), “Individuals at University: Student Perception, Motivation, and Encouragement in Academic Writing” and “Are We Valid? Perceptions of U.S. and German Writing Centers – A Comparative Case Study” (Carola Saalmüller), “Positive Impact of Writing Center Visitation on Students’ Self-Efficacy Beliefs at University” (Michael Hilton).
3. Lange Nacht der aufgeschobenen Hausarbeiten
6. Peer-Tutor*innen Konferenz (SPTK), Uni Bochum
Conference Title: "Schreiben-Beraten-Austauschen". The tutors led two workshops titled "Medienkompetenz-Internetvideos als Hilfsmittel und Austauschkanal für Schreibzentren" and "We are on a Mission! - Das Leitbild als Chance der Kollaborativen Reproduktion des Schreibzentrums".
7th biennial EATAW Conference, University of Budapest
Conference title: "Collaborative Writing Activities to Promote Successful Writers." Four of the tutors offered workshops titled: "Let's Write! Using Writing as a Mediating Tool in Classrooms" (Sara Wallsworth, Katharina Luther) and "(MIS)-Communication in Writing" (Jan-Moritz Mildenberger, Gregor Schönfelder).
1. Tübinger Schreibwoche
2. Lange Nacht der aufgeschobenen Hausarbeiten
"NaNoWriMo", National Novel Writing Month
Peer-Tutor*innen Konferenz (SPTK), Uni Jena
Our tutors held workshops titled: "Got Skill? Stufenmodell zur Softskill-Entwicklung und Förderung bei Schreibtutoren" (Katharina Luther, Teresa Joran, Jan-Moritz Mildenberger) and "Writing in English - Hilfe im Schreibzentrum" (Teresa Jordan, Kevin McCarthy, Carola Saarmüller, Gregor Schönfelder).
EWCA Conference, American University Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria
Conference title: "Creating Communities of Collaboration: Writers, Learners, Institutions". The RWC director and tutors presented on "Creative Ways to Finance and Fund a Writing Center" (Shawn Raisig, Teresa Jordan, Sara Wallsworth).
1. Lange Nacht der aufgeschobenen Hausarbeiten
6th biennial EATAW Conference, University of Limerick, Ireland
Shawn Raisig held a presentation at the conference called: "Moving from a Staff to a Team."
EWCA Conference, American University, Paris
The RWC team held a presentation titled: "From teacher-centered instruction to student-focused coaching: a writing curriculum and writing center in Germany" (Linda Carlson, Katharina Wiedmann, Shawn Raisig).