Englisches Seminar

Mythbusters and Other Misconceptions

Myth: The RWC does proof-reading.

FACT: We do NOT do proof-reading, but together we can come up with solutions for issues you might have during your writing process.

Myth: You can drop-off your paper and pick it up again corrected.

FACT: No, you cannot. However, we can work together with you during an appointment to discuss any questions you might have.

Myth: I can only make one appointment throughout the semester.

FACT: You can make one appointment per week.

Myth: You cannot come to the RWC when you do not have an appointment.

FACT: If the door is open and there are no appointments, please feel free to come in. However, if you would like to make an appointment, use our easy online scheduling system WCOnline.

Myth: You have to have a finished paper when you come to the RWC.

FACT: You can come at any stage of your writing process – from brainstorming ideas, creating an outline, or revising what you have written. Upload what you have by 4pm the day before your appointment.

Myth: You will have the “perfect paper” after you visit the RWC.

FACT: There is no such thing as the “perfect paper”. Writing is a process even experienced writers have to go through. Our goal is to help you develop a paper you feel comfortable with and writing that you are proud of.

Myth: What is discussed during a session will be shared with your instructor.

FACT: No, it will not be shared. What happens in the RWC will stay in the RWC. After your appointment, your tutor will write a short confidential summary of the main topics you covered during the session. This will help you and us for future appointments. We also encourage you to provide us with feedback. Please complete the anonymous online survey that will be sent to you after the appointment.

Myth: The RWC is only for "bad" students.

FACT: Writing is a process and all writers at all levels can benefit from a private conversation about their work.

Myth: All of the tutors are native English speakers.

FACT: All of our tutors are bilingual in English and in German.

Myth: The peer tutors know everything.

FACT: Sorry, we don’t. But the RWC is a place where we as students help you as students.


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