Institute of Sports Science

Physical Activity Promotion and Health

This line of research seeks to analyze the personal and social conditions affecting physical activity and exercise behavior. Building on relevant findings, theory-based interventions are developed and evaluated. An emphasis is put on researching questions of personalization and target group orientation to optimize the acceptance, implementation, and effectiveness of measures promoting biopsychosocial health and physical activity.

On-going projects combine individual-focused methods with context-oriented strategies in settings such as universities (BeTaBalance), workplaces (BGM Vital), senior citizen homes (Basalt), and health service facilities. Project funding sources range from Germany’s federal ministries (i.e., the Federal Ministry of Health [BMG] and Federal Ministry of Education and Research [BMBF]) to health insurance companies and Tübingen’s “Research, Relevance, and Responsibility” excellence strategy. This line of research is closely linked to the Interfaculty Research Institute for Physical Activity and Sports at the University of Tübingen. Current focal points in research have led to participation in the doctoral network, “iReAct—Individual Response to Physical Activity”, and the World Health Organization’s international collaboration study “Health Behavior in School-aged Children.”

Research projects

Current research projects

  • FEEL: Einfach aktiv sein
  • Covid 19: Protective factors for mental health during the Covid-19 pandemic
  • BaSAlt: Physical activity promotion and individual physical counselling in the setting of an old people's homes/assisted living
  • BGM vital: Service centre for addressee-oriented occupational health management in SME
  • iReAct: Individual response to physical activity - A transdisciplinary approach
  • BeTaBalance 2.0: Bewegt studieren zwischen Berg und Tal (gemeinsames Projekt mit dem Hochschulsport unter Förderung der TK)


  • Welcher Sport für wen? – Motivbasierte Passung von Sportprogrammen [Conzelmann & Sudeck]
  • WHO collaboration study Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC), HBSC Germany

Completed research projects

  • BGM vital: addressee-oriented occupational health management in SME
  • ISABA/Kasaba: Individualität im Zusammenspiel von Selbstregulation, körperlich-sportlicher Aktivität und Befinden im Alltag (Sudeck; 2012-2017)

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