Korean Studies

Application procedure for a year abroad in South Korea during the B.A.

Current info event

Info event for students who will complete their year abroad starting from the summer semester 2025.
July 16th 2024, 6 pm, Keplerstr. 2 

Application deadlines

All applications for an exchange to a Korean university have to be submitted until August 15th (for the summer semester) and February 15th (for the following winter semester). Applications are to be submitted directly to the department for Korean Studies

Accordingly, students majoring in Korean Studies usually apply at the end ot their second semester, by August 15th.

Students taking makeup tests for the language courses or completing other required courses later, can submit their application by September 5th.

Please don't hesitate to contact Dr. Myoung Hoon Shin on time and additionally pay attention to information and news published on our website.

Application procedure

1. Here you can find a guide to the application as well as a sample recommendation letter. Please note that we only accept letters from people with a doctorate.
Guideline for the application
Sample recommendation letter
Lecturers please upload the recommendation letters for the applicants, stating the full name of the applicant, here: https://unitc-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/euna_kim_uni-tuebingen_online/Eq9GcBD2fTJCtKVfn8PAh2sBOj3mE7cYDTkHIeJ25Guv0w

2. The declaration of consent for download:
Declaration of consent 

3. Upload your documents here: 

For B.A. students: https://unitc-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/euna_kim_uni-tuebingen_online/EhFBegImilRHid26EKFz6iUB7roe2MzYYObZAFIO2UjFLg

For M.A. students: By email directly to birgit.geipelspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de and myoung-hoon.shinspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de 

 Additional information is given directly by the department of Korean studies (the information brochure also provides more detailed information in German TUCKU Infobroschüre) and at the university's international office Dezernat III - Internationale Angelegenheiten.

Information events

Twice a year the Korean Studies department of Tübingen organizes information events where students get all the required information before applying for their year abroad.

The last information event on the 11th of July 2022 and its powerpoint presentation can be downloaded here. [Download​​​​​​​]

Conversion of ECTS  GPA      [here]