Korean Studies

Birgit Geipel, Ph.D.


MA Program Director


University of Tübingen
Institute of Asian and Oriental Studies
Department of Korean Studies

 Wilhelmstr. 133, Room 56

 +49-7071-29 72705

birgit.geipelspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de 

Office Hours

Wed., August 7, 16-17.30 Uhr via Zoom
Wed.,, Oktober 9, 16-17.30 Uhr via Zoom
Please book a time-slot via the link below.

[Time-slot applications]


Birgit Geipel received her Ph.D. in Comparative Literature from the University of California, Riverside. Her doctoral thesis and current research examines literary and cinematic discourses of national division and unification in Korea and Germany. Her further research interests include the Korean diaspora, as well as women’s literature.

Academic Profile

Ph.D. in Comparative Literature

University of California, Riverside

M.A. in Comparative Literature

Ludwig Maximilians University of Munich

Courses Taught

  • MA Translation - Korean Short Stories
  • Modern Korean History after 1945
  • Premodern Korea
  • Recent Research in Korean Studies
  • Division Literature in Korea and Germany
  • Korean Diaspora
  • Korean Women's Literature 
  • Current Themes in Korean Literature

