Dr. phil. Unsuk Han
Unsuk Han is the managing director at Tuebingen Center for Korean Studies at Korea University (TUCKU). He studied history in Korea University, Seoul and Bielefeld University in Germany. His doctoral thesis is “The Attitude of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels to Nation State and Nationalism.” He taught modern and contemporary European history and history education at Korea University (1996-2011) and Seoul National University (1996-1999) and Korean History and Culture at Tübingen University. He has been actively engaged in fostering cooperation between Korean and German historians and social scientists.
His main research areas are comparative studies about the national division, the Cold War, and German and Korean Unification, coming to terms with the past, the developoment of civil societies, historical reconciliation and history education in Europe and East Asia. He has published, among others, Tokilŭi Yŏksa Hwahae wa Yŏksakyoyuk [Historical Rapprochement and History Education in Germany], (Seoul 2008); Hanaŭi Minjok, Tugaeŭi Kwagŏ. 20 Segiŭi Tokil Minjok kwa Tongilmunje [One Nation, Two Pasts: the German Nation in the 20th Century and the Question of Reunification], (Seoul 2003); and History Education and Reconciliation. Comparative Perspectives on East Asia (Frankfurt a.m. 2012).
Academic Profile
WS 2011/12- present
Eberhard Karls University
SS 1996 – SS 2011
Korea University
WS 2002 – SS 2003
Chungbuk University
SS 1996 – WS 1998
Seoul National University
Universität Bielefeld (Germany)
Dissertation: Nationalstaat und Nationalismus im Denken von Marx und Engels: Mit besonderer Berücksichtigung ihrer Haltung zur ‘deutschen Frage’ im Vormärz und während der Revolution von 1848/49
Korea University, Seoul
Korea University, Seoul
- Referat über „Die Demokratie- und Vereinigungsbewegung der koreanischen Frauengruppe in Deutschland“ in einer Konferenz „Korean Diaspora: Minorität in Minorität“ in Jeju University, 18.09.2015.
- Lecture about „Hilfe der deutschen Kirche für Demokratie- und Vereinigungsbewegung in Korea im Kalten Krieg“, 24.08.2015 in der Konferenz vom Yŏksamunjeyŏnguso über „Die deutsche Frage in Europa und koreanische Frage in Ostasien“.
- Lecture about „Frieden und Wiedervereinigung in Korea“[Peace and Reunification in Korea] im Deutschen Evangelischen Kirchentag in Stuttgart, 6.06.2015.
- Lecture about „Demokratie in Korea gestalten“ [Forming Democracy in Korea] in der Tagung der Evangelischen Mission in Solidarität(EMS) „Erkämpfte, gefährdete, gelebte Demokratie!? Die Zukunft einer demokratischen Zivilgesellschaft in Korea“, 8.04.2015 in der Evangelischen Akademie Thüringen.
- Lecture about „Hilfe der deutschen Kirche für Menschenrechte und Demokratie in Korea“ [The Help of German Churches for Human Right and Democracy in Korea] in der 6. Tagung der Vereinigung für Koreaforschung“, 15.11.2014 an der Universität Tübingen.
- Lecture about „Hangukŭi Inkwŏngwa Minjujuŭilŭl wihan Tokil Kyohoeŭi Jiwŏngwa Yŏnghyang“ [The Help of German Churches for Human Right and Democracy in Korea], in a Conference of Korean Association for German History, 4.10.2014 in Sungkyungwan University, Seoul, Korea.
- Lecture about „Tokiltongil 25Nyŏngwa Hanbando Tongilŭlwihan Kyohun“ [25 Jahre Deutsche Einheit und deren Lehre für die Vereinigung der koreanischen Halbinsel], 22.09.2014 im Theologischen Seminar der Mokwon University, Taejeon, Korea.
- Lecture about „Geschichtsunterricht nach der deutschen Einheit und Suche nach einer Nationalgeschichte“, im Deutsch-Koreanischen Forum zur Vereinigungs- und Geschichtsbildung, 16.10.2014 in Berlin.
- Lecture about “The reception of German Reunification in South Korea“, 18.03.2014 in The Institute of the Humanities for Unification, Konkuk University, Seoul.
- »Undong« für Demokratie. Zivilgesellschaftliches Engagement der protestantischen Kirche in Korea, 1.10.2013 in Church Conference of Deutsche Ostasienmission, Berliner Missionswerk und EMS in Evangelische Akademie Meissen.
- Lecture about „The reception of German Reunification in South Korea“, 11.09.2013 as a lecture for Yonsei Institute for North Korean Studies, in Kim Dae-jung Presidential Library and Museum in Seoul.
- Lecture about “The Japanese Colonial Rule in Korea. Achievements and limits of dealing with their past, 22.07.2013, Friedrich Schiller-UniversityJena, Summer School 2013.
- Vortrag über „Das Ostasien-Bild in deutschen Geschichtsschulbüchern“ in the Institute for Eastasian Studies in Sunggonghoe University in Seoul, 25.03.2013.
- Vortrag über „Rezeption der deutschen Einheit in Korea“ im Workshop „Diskurse über die deutsche Einheit; Probleme der inneren Einheit und deren Lehre für die koreanische Halbinsel“, 22.12.2012 in Berlin.
- 2 Vorträge über „Der Konflikt um die Insel Dokdo zwischen Korea und Japan“ Und über „Schulbuchgespräch in Ostasien besonders zwischen Korea und Japan“, in Exchange Program for Regional Integration in East-Asia and Europe (EPRIE) “Inspiration für die nachbarschaftliche Zusammenarbeit, 16-18, 10.2012, Berlin.
- „Rolle der Kirchen bei der Demokratisierung und Entstehung einer Bürgergesellschaft in Südkorea“, lecture in a workshop in Universität Halle für Vergleichende Bürgertumsforschung, 13.07.2012.
Edited Publications/ Monographies (English)
- Un-suk Han, “History Education and Historical Reconciliation in East Asia: Focusing on the History Textbook Dialogues between South Korea and Japan”, forthcoming in: Journal of Northeast Asian History, Vol. 12-1, Summer 2015.
- Un-suk Han/Takahiro Kondo/Biao Yang/Falk Pingel (eds.), History Education and Reconciliation: Comparative Perspectives on East Asia, Frankfurt a.M. 2012.
Edited Publications / Monographies (Korean)
- Un-suk Han, “Europe Tonghapŭlŭihan Yŏksagyoyuk – Tokilŭi Saryelŭl jungsimŭro” [History Teaching for European Integration: With Special Attention to Germany], in: Tongbukayŏksanonchong Vol. 47, 3. 2015: 201-237.
- Un-suk Han, “Tokil Tongile Daehan Hangukesŏŭi Insik”(The Perception of German Reunification in Korea), in: Naeilŭl Yŏnŭn Yŏksa, Vol. 58, Spring 2015: 333-355.
- The East Asian History in History Education in Europe and the USA, Seoul 2009. (Editor and Co-author)
- Historical Compromise and History-Education in Germany, Seoul 2008. (Author)
- Overcoming the division of the ‘Opfer’ und ‘Täter’. The schoolbook dialogues between the Germans and the Polish, Seoul 2008. (Editor and Co-author)
- One Nation, Two Pasts: German Nation in the 20th Century and the Question of Reunification, Seoul 2003. (Author)
Articles (German)
- Unsuk Han/Bong-ki Lee, "Rezeption der deutschen Einheit in Korea", erscheint voraussichtlich in Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung (Hg.), Länderbericht Korea, Bonn 2015: 639-651.
- "Rezeption der deutschen Einheit in Korea", in: Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung (Hg.), Länderbericht Korea, Bonn 2014.
- "Die Bedeutung von Nation in den historischen Narrativen Nordkoreas", in: Berliner Debatte Initial 23 (2013) 2: 104-117.
- "Globalisierung aus asiatischer Sicht", in: Berliner Debatte Initial 21 (2012) 4: 92-98.
Articles (English)
- “History Education and Historical Reconciliation in East Asia: Focusing on the History Textbook Dialogues between South Korea and Japan”, in: Journal of Northeast Asian History, Vol. 12-1, Sommer 2015: 95-133.
- “Recommendation”, in: See-hwan Doh (Hg.), One Hundred Years after Japan’s Forced Annexation of Korea: History and Tasks, Frankfurt a.M. 2015.
- “History Education in Germany in the Post-unification Period, with a Focus on the New Federal States”, in: Center for International Affairs of the Academy of Korean Studies(AKS) (Hg.), 2011 Civilization and Peace: Resolution of Conflict in Korea, East Asia and Beyond. Humanistic Approach, Seongnam 2012: 161-195.
- ”The comparison of the German-Polish and the Japanese-Korean sociocultural interchange”, in: Academy of Korean Study (Hg.), Nationalism and History Textbooks in Asia and Europe: Various Perspectives on the History Conflict, Seongnam 2005: 283-306.
Articles (Japanese)
- “The lessons of the German-Polish school history textbook cooperation for peace education toward historical reconciliation between Korea and Japan”, in: Rekisigenkyukai (Hg.), Japanese-Korean Dialogue on School History Textbook, Tokyo 2004: 202-224.
- “The description and teaching of the eastasian history in the USA and main European states”, in: Forum for Historical Consciousness and Peace in East Asia (Hg.), Historical Consciousness in East Asia and the Power for Making Peace – For Eastasian Peacecommunity, Tokyo 2010: 117-128
Articles (Korean)
- “Europe Tonghapŭlŭihan Yŏksagyoyuk – Tokilŭi Saryelŭl jungsimŭro” [History Teachin for European Integration: With Special Attention to Germany], in: Tongbukayŏksanonchong 47, 3. 2015: 201-237.
- “Tokil Tongile Daehan Hangukesŏŭi Insik”(The Perception of German Reunification in Korea), in: Naeilŭl Yŏnŭn Yŏksa, Vol. 58, Spring 2015: 333-355.
- ”History education after German Reunification: With a special attention to new federal states”, in: Korean Journal of German Studies, vol. 21, 2011: 171-210.
- “The reception of socio-cultural integration after German reunification among korean scholars“, in: Hyuk-baek Im & Eun-jeong Lee (Hgs.), Can the Korean Peninsula Become the Unified Germany?, Seoul 2010: 241-274.
- „Geschichtsunterricht in Deutschland ueber Nationalsozialismus und Holocaust. Mit besonderer Beruecksichtigung der Beschluesse der Kultusministerkonferenz und Lehrplaene einiger Laender“, in: Korean Journal of German Studies, Vol. 18, 2009.
- “Accomplishments and Limits of 20 Years since German Reunification”, in: History and Discourse. Journal of Historical Review Vol. 54, 2009: 235-272.
- “‘National question' and 'national history in the history education of the GDR in the 1970s and 1980s”, in: History Education, June 2008.
- ”A comparison of the change in the consciousness of the national history between Northkorean and East German historiography”, Korean Journal of German Studies, Vol. 14, 2006: 193-238.
- “Problems in the description about Korea in the German geography and history textbooks and search for ways of their improvement”, History Education, Vol. 100, 2006: 161-194.
- “Coming to terms with the past of nationalsocialism in Germany 1945 ~ 2000, limit and achievement”, Democratic Society and Policy Study, 2005: 159-190.
- “From Confrontation, via coexistence to Unification: Deutschlandpolitik of Germany”, in: Seungryul Kim/Juback Shin (Hgs.), Two Faces of Division: Comparisons of German and Korean History in Various Themes, Seoul 2005: 41-70.
- “National policy of the East German and Northkorean party leadership in Comparison”, Jeonnamsahak, Vol. 24, 2005: 313-347.
- ”The comparison of the German-Polish and the Japanese-Korean sociocultural interchange”, Korean Journal of German Studies, Vol. 8, 2004: 99-119.
- “Judicial treatment of the crimes through the GDR-dictatorship after German reunification”, Jeonnamsahak, Vol.. 22, 2004: 363-398.
- “Efforts for Reconciliation through the Textbook Revision between Germany and Poland”, Seoyangsaron, Vol. 75, 2002: 203-236.
- “Problems of national integration in the reunified Germany and their reasons”, Journal of German Studies, Vol.. 2, 2001: 75-116.
- “From the German ‘Besonderheit’ to the Western Normality? The Transformation of the German Identity in the Twentieth Century”, Seoyangsaron, Vol. 62, 1999: 77-104.
- “The German Revolution of 1848/49 and Bourgeoisie”, Yoksabipyong, Vol. 42, 1998: 336-355.
- “The attitude of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels to the speciality of German history in the 1840s”, Yoksakyoyuk, Vol. 64, 1997: 101-130.
- “A nation, two pasts: national consciousness of the German people 1945~1994 and the problems of inner unity”, Journal of Area Studies, Vol. 1, 1997: 145-214.
- “The reconciliation policy of the West German government toward East Germany 1949-1989”, Yoksabipyong, Vol. 36, 1997: 219-238.
- “The attitude of the German Arbeiterverbruederung toward the national question during the revolution of 1848/49”, Yoksahakbo, Vol. 154, 1997: 241-268.
- “The attitude of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels to the national question in the Vormaerz and during the revolution of 1848/49”, Seoyangsaron, Vol. 52, 1997: 33-63.
- Karl-Dietrich Bracher, Die Auflösung der Weimarer Republik (translated in cooperation with Prof. Byung-lyun Lee and Dr. Dae-heon Lee, the publication in 2011 )
- Falk Pingel, UNESCO Guidebook on Textbook Research and Textbook Revision. 2nd revised and updated edition, Georg-Eckert-Institute for International Textbook Research/UNESCO, Paris/Braunschweig 2010.(Seoul, 2011)
- Wolfgang Schivelbusch, Das Paradies, der Geschmack und die Vernunft. Eine Geschichte der Genussmittel, Frankfurt a.M. (Korean translation by Byunglyun Lee and Un Suk Han, Seoul 2000)
- Juergen Kocka, Lohnarbeit und Klassenbildung. Arbeiter und Arbeiterbewegung in Deutschland 1800-1875, Berlin/Bonn 1983 (Korean translation by Un Suk Han, Seoul 1987)
Current Projects
- Publication project „The reception of German Reunification in Korea” with the financing of National Research Foundation of Korean since April 2012
- Research about the help of German protestant churches for human rights and democracy in Korea
- Division and the Cold War in Germany and Korea in Comparison