MAKES - Master of Korean European Studies
Focus MAKES in the Korean Studies Master's program
The MAKES program - Master of Korean European Studies - is a focus program of the Korean Studies Master’s course. MAKES is therefore not a separate master’s course. Instead, Master's students in Korean Studies can apply for this focus in the first semester and go through a selection process in order to be able to participate in this program.
Partner University Seoul National University
The Seoul National University, one of the most renowned Korean universities, has been won as a partner university. There are collaborations with the College of Education and the Graduate School of International Studies as part of the double master’s program.
Course of studies MAKES
The students spend the first year in Tübingen. The second year, including the thesis, is studied at the Seoul National University in Korea. The students in the major submit their master's thesis in Korea to the partner university, written in Korean. The international program is demanding and the supervision by renowned professors in small groups is intensive.
Finishing with a Dual Degree Master (double degree)
Upon successful completion of their studies, students receive a master’s certificate from the University of Tübingen and from the Seoul National University. After two years of study, including a year abroad, you will complete your studies with two master’s degrees.
Selection process
Admission to the specialization course takes place within the framework of a selection process in the first semester of the master’s course.
You can also find detailed information in our extensive and continuously updated information brochure. Click on the cover photo in the sidebar on the right and the download will start automatically.
If you have questions about the content of the master’s course or administrative questions specifically about MAKES, please contact Dr. Birgit Geipel.