University Library

Specialized Information Service in Theology - Fachinformationsdienst Theologie [FID]

The Specialized Information Service (FID) in Theology is managed by the University Library in Tübingen (Universitätsbibliothek Tübingen). With the Index Theologicus (IxTheo), it offers a quick access to relevant research information and, independently from the user’s location, an access to special literature which is as quick and direct as possible.

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Tasks of the Specialized Information Service in Theology (2018-2020)

1. Bibliography :: IxTheo

The FID Theology produces a comprehensive bibliography in theology. The search system is based on modern techniques and provides direct access to electronically available literature.

  • Comprehensive and systematic references to monographs
  • Includes a selection of review journals
  • References to all the relevant databases
  • Integrates free electronic journals and digital content
  • The range of analysed journals is extended to approx. 1200 journals
  • NEW: Information on and search capability for unpublished material of theologians hosted in archives (unpublished material, study drafts, letters, notices, excerpts, photographs etc.)

Improved Features

  • Application of the search algorithm used on Biblical references on other sources, e.g. on the canons of the Codex Iuris Canonici.
  • Improved alerting services: Alerting on subject segments and / or individual themes

Full-text search

  • Development of a full-text search for commercial and Open Access titles. Pilot project with two renowned specialised publishing houses in order to provide the capacity to legally search through commercial titles from various publishers in an Open Access environment.

Index Theologicus


2. Collection Guidelines

The primary task of the FID Theology is to provide the bibliography. In addition, it continues to build up and maintain a wide collection of theological literature, thus remaining the library of choice (or of “last resort”) in this academic field for other institutions. Both tasks are managed in a transparent way. The collection includes the following:

  • Journals
  • Compilations: thematic collections of articles, commemorative volumes and congress proceedings
  • Monographs of selected collections and series
  • User-driven purchases (PDA)
  • Licensing of scientific databases


3. Open Access

The FID Theology supports the publication of and access to theological literature through a field repository for republications and a journal publication system.

3.1 Secondary publication service
The FID Theology offers researchers a secondary publication service in conformity with copyright law. The FID Theology then takes over the production and costs of the digitization, cataloguing and republication within the field repository in theology.

3.2 Journal publication system

  • Supply and support of a journal publication system (OJS)
    IxTheo :: Open Journals

4. Digitization and Indexing

The FID Theology offers added value through the digitization and retrospective indexing of theological journals.

  • Preparation of an application to the DFG to support the digitization and indexing of theological journals of the 20th century.

The digitized publications in DigiTheo are integrated in the new IxTheo.


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