University Library

FAQ / Questions about visiting the University Library

What is the meaning of the traffic lights in the learning center of the main building?

The wall-mounted traffic lights in the learning center indicate the CO2 content of the air. The natural level of CO2 in the air is about 400 ppm (parts per million), or 0.04%. 

When the traffic light is green, the CO2 concentration is below 800 ppm and no action is required. For levels between 800 and 1200 ppm, the light jumps to yellow-green or yellow, while a red light means the level has risen above 1200 ppm. The area must be ventilated in these cases. Please pay attention to the traffic lights when you are in the learning center and ventilate the room when the light is yellow or red!

Which services are available within the University Library?

You can borrow and return books, copy, scan or print files on the public multi-functional machines and use our individual or group work spaces. 


Can I participate in online events? (Zoom, video conference)?

You can participate in online events (Zoom conferences, web seminars, etc.) if you follow our guidelines. We offer two solutions:

You can use the group study rooms in the Ammerbau by booking a time slot in one of the 16 small and 4 large workrooms.

Please note the following rules:

  • Since the demand for rooms is high, we would ask you to use them primarily for participation in online events.
  • Please air the rooms regularly. They have been equipped with switches, so you can now open and close the windows yourself - in addition to the automatic ventilation.
  • There will no longer be a key issue. We will open the rooms at 9 am in the morning. If you have booked a room, you can use the confirmation email to ask other students to leave the room.

The middle section of the Learning Center in the Main Building (to the left of the revolving door to the Ausleihzentrum) has been released for active participation in online courses. Here, too, we ask you to adhere to certain rules in addition to the usual hygiene requirements:

  • Use headsets or other headphones with built-in microphones whenever possible. This will not only ensure better audio quality for yourself, but will also be less disruptive to other students.
  • Please speak as quietly as possible.

Can I order an interlibrary loan?

The University Library accepts interlibrary loan requests for books and copies of articles from all users.
For detailed information on the requirements, process and costs of an interlibrary loan, please see our information page.

Please also note the additional document delivery offers. Depending on the state of infection, there may be delays in delivery.

Is the “Raum der Stille” accessible?

Yes, you can use the "Raum der Stille" (room of silence) during our opening hours.

When is the cafeteria open?

The cafeteria in the University Library is open weekdays (times may change).

What can I do from home?

Termination of enrollment

In order to terminate your enrollment, you need confirmation from the University Library stating that you no longer have any library items checked out and also no outstanding fines. You can find the application form here. Please send the completed and signed form to ortsleihespam Should you have no access to a scanner, you can also send a good quality photograph of the signed form to the above address.

If you still have any items checked out, please send an email to ortsleihespam

Please pay any outstanding fees via bank transfer. You can find our account information here

We will then close your library account and forward your form to the student administration office.

Acquisition requests

We will accept acquisition requests we receive when you use the form on our homepage and will check whether items you urgently require can be obtained as e-books.

Many older scientific publications and historical collections may already be available online and can be found through the Karlsruhe Virtual Catalog (KVK). (Restrict your search by ticking the "Digital media only" box.)

Document delivery

We still want to provide you with access to the print version of articles from journals and edited volumes, even while the library is only offering limited services. For information on access options see our page on document delivery options.

Before sending the scan order, please check whether or not the journal or the anthology is already available electronically in our Catalog plus. Unfortunately, we have to decline scan orders for articles available online. If you have any questions regarding searching for journals and other media in the Catalog plus, please contact informationspam We will be happy to help.

Current contents

You wish to keep up to date with the content of important journals? Use the "electronic current contents service" Paperboy (Platform language is German) for contents in the subjects Law, Economics, Sports Science, Classical Philology, Physics (will be expanded).


Access to our digital collections

Within the entire campus network (university workstations, wi-fi) you have unrestricted access to our licensed digital resources. 

If you need access from outside campus, you have to set up VPN (Virtual Private Network) access. Information on setting up a VPN connection to the university network can be found on the pages of the ZDV. The best way of setting up VPN access is through your operating system’s integrated tools. In case VPN acccess does not work, many publishers also provide access via Shibboleth. Usually, publishers clearly mark this option on their webpages with links such as “Log in via Shibboleth” or “Institutional Login.” 

Should you encounter any problems with setting up VPN access, please contact the ZDV support team at supportspam

You can search our digital collections using our Catalog plus and other systems (EZB  for finding electronic journals and DBIS for discovering subject-specific databases). If you are searching in Catalog plus, use the function “Narrow Search” and select “Online Resource” under “Types of Media.”

Open access and freely available digital media

There are many freely available scholarly publications and digitized cultural resources listed in our Catalog plus.

Further research possibilities are:

Our subject specialists can be contacted if you have any questions regarding resources in the respective subjects:

For information on the University Library's Open Access services, please visit our "Publishing" section.

Problems accessing licensed online contents

Should you encounter any difficulties accessing our online licensed contents, please email us at emedienspam


Publishing dissertations

Dissertations can still be published. You may hand in your dissertation and supporting documents for the online publication process at the University Library's information desk, Monday to Friday from 8:00 am - 6:30 pm.

You may also send these by normal post:

Universitätsbibliothek Tübingen 
Wilhelmstr. 32 
72074 Tübingen 

If you have questions regarding dissertations and online publications, please email us at edl-publspam

Training / Tours

We offer training on a wide range of topics. Take a look at our entire workshop offering or select a module from our self-study portal.

You can find information on using ILIAS here.

Payment of fees and fines

The charge for fees and fines can be transferred to us using these bank account details.


Privacy settings

Our website uses cookies. Some of them are mandatory, while others allow us to improve your user experience on our website. The settings you have made can be edited at any time.




