University Library

Catalog plus

In the Catalog plus you can search in parallel in the scientific library holdings of Tübingen as well as in further literature references.

Special feature: You can search for printed and electronic works at the same time ("Books & more"), but also receive hits from databases ("Articles & more").

More Catalogs

There are other catalogs that might be interesting for your search:

  • A search for media to be found only in the University Library or only in the Institute and Faculty Libraries can be performed using the Bestell-Katalog ("Red" Catalog). Other than the Katalog plus, you only have to login once if you want to order multiple items from the closed stacks. In this catalog, you can also access your library account.
  • DigiKat for Books from 1851 to 1960
  • digitized card catalog; these holdings are gradually being transferred into the Katalog plus
  • Index Theologicus / IxTheo: most important database for theological journal contents, hosted by the Tuebingen University Library
  • KrimDok: compiled by Tuebingen University Library in cooperation with the Institute of Criminology. It lists German and foreign language literature, both books and articles from journals and anthologies.
  • RelBib: most important database for religious studies, hosted by Tuebingen University Library
  • Special Collections
  • National / International Catalogs

And for titles you can't find in our catalogs, you can place an

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