Where does the data come from?
Books & more
In addition to the holdings of the libraries mentioned above, the data of e-books from the national licenses as well as license-free electronic resources are imported.
Articles & more
The search is performed in the EDS index of the EBSCO company, which contains references to several hundred million articles from journals, newspapers, books, etc. (including references from most national licenses), as well as in all databases licensed under EBSCOhost. In the simple search, many sources are searched down to the full text level.
The hits are sorted by relevance, but they can also be re-sorted by date.
Many titles can be retrieved as full texts, for all other titles it is possible to check via the holdings query whether they are available in Tübingen.
A list of data sources evaluated in the Katalog plus of the University of Tübingen can be found in the "Articles & more" section. Further information on the licensed EBSCOhost databases can be found in the Database Information System (DBIS).
- to the EDS-Index of EBSCO
- to the Database Information System DBIS