University Library

Interlibrary Loan

An interlibrary loan allows you to access items not held in the collections available at one of the libraries in Tuebingen. We can order items such as books and journal articles from other German libraries or if necessary even from abroad (special conditions apply).

Legal basis

Interlibrary loan regulations are based on the "Rules for interlibrary loans in the Federal Republic of Germany" (Leihverkehrsordnung)

Excluded from interlibrary loans are:

  • books and journals that are available at libraries in Tuebingen (even if they are on loan or part of a reference/non-lending collection).
  • titles you can buy for the price of Euro 20 or less
  • items that have just been published or media that are still in the acquisition process in the libraries
  • complete volumes of journals (current year)
  • E-Books
  • newspapers or other items with oversize formats
  • loose-leaf publications
  • diploma thesis, master’s thesis, bachelor thesis, dissertations (Zulassungsarbeiten), examination papers
  • patents and norms

Please note that many libraries exclude titles from interlibrary loan, if they are

  •  used frequently (e.g. titles from the textbook collection)
  •  part of a reserve book collection or
  •  very valuable.

How to place a interlibrary loan request?

You place interlibrary loan requests via the aDIS catalog. After an unsuccessful search in the Tübingen holdings, the aDIS catalog searches directly nationwide in the catalogs of the libraries participating in interlibrary loan.

A processing fee of 1.50 Euro is due per interlibrary loan order - regardless of whether a delivery is made.

Loan period and renewal

As soon as the interlibrary loan request has arrived at our library, you will be notified by e-mail and can pick up the issue at the desired issue location. The loan period is specified by the lending library, generally it is four weeks. You will receive ordered copies of articles electronically by e-mail. Please note that the download link contained in the e-mail is only available for a limited period of one week.

A one-time extension of the loan period of an interlibrary loan book can be made at the earliest one week before the loan period ends in the catalog plus throught "My account". Please note that such media may be recalled by us if the lending library does not agree to the extension. In this case you will be notified by e-mail.

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